State of the Union

Day 599, 20:19 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
The sea is calm before the storm.

All seems normal... PEACE propaganda, for the eve of such a massive invasion, is at an all time low. IRC channels are quiet; most of the discussion is going on in secret backchannels. Like the tide before a Tsunami, the silence is telling... PEACE still does intend to strike the United States.

Or, maybe, PEACE chickened out. The USA found out about this entire plot probably quicker than they had expected. Can we really stop a war just by increasing some taxes and calling out PEACE? Is PEACE really that weak? Who knows. However, we do know a few things. We know PEACE doesn't like us and we know, sooner or later, both Hungary and Indonesia will both have borders with us or with our friends to the north, Canada. Let me state here that the USA will defend Canada to the death. Canada have been a staunch ally of the United States for too long to remember. They have been valiant allies and when their shores are threatened, even in the midst of a threat on our own, I pledge the full support of the United States to repel any invasion on to Canadian soil.

I realize Congress has instituted new income taxes to a war time level. I do support these taxes, but I have stayed out of the majority of the discussion regarding them. As the head of the Executive Branch, it is not my place as President to meddle in to Congressional affairs, beyond the occasional snippet of information or making my allotted in-game vote. I am here to guarantee to the American people that taxes will be lowered to pre-war levels as soon as hostilities end. The preliminary agreement is that 7 days without war will signal the change of lowered taxes. I will hold Congress, and myself, to this agreement.

I also urge the American citizens to become unified. I call on ALL Party Presidents to put aside partisan politics and enter into negotiations to form a unified primary system. If not for our national defense to liberate conquered nations and help our allies. The United States has the potential to be the strongest force in the world in every sense. Whether PEACE propaganda tells you otherwise or not, we have the strongest army in the world, the best economy in the world, and the potential to be the strongest PTO force in the world to help our allies and liberate oppressed nations. PEACE has always been too afraid to attack a unified United States, so why give them any reason to think otherwise?

Myself, my advisers, and military high-command (the Joint Chiefs of Staff) are in constant contact with our allies and they are up to speed and ready to defend our soil. We will work to find a happy medium between soldiers committed to our fight as well as plenty of soldiers committed to the fight in Canada. Losing Canadian regions is just as bad as losing American regions in this case. I urge all soldiers to listen to your commanders.. if they tell you to defend somewhere during a fight, do it.

Finally, let me say this. There have been some nay-sayers regarding just how real this war is. This is real. Never again will we face a war threat like this. PEACE intends to invade the United States. If they don't, it will be because they are wimps and they have changed their minds after seeing the mighty American military machine.

Everyone will notice the temporarily suspended tradition pictures. I think it's quite fitting to ditch them, for a short while, in favor of much more compelling war time pictures:


Harrison Richardson
President of the United States