State of eSA 2

Day 1,526, 20:05 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

What is happening in eSA at the moment

Sanibonani citizens of eSouth Africa, it is your vice president here bringing you an update of what is happening in eSA.

Firstly during this past week we looked back at the history of this great nation a more specifically this great nations legends. We saw a mention of all the past hero’s and even some villains. Some of the obivious names but also some names of people I did not even know had contributed to this nation. After reading the posts of these citizens I realized that we can truly say that this nation was built on the backs of others. We have a long history etched in greatness and we can truly say we have overcome many opsticles.

If you have some one you would like to honour please post their name on the forum or follow this link. HALL OF LEGENDS.

There has been loads of talk these last few days about the lack of activity within eSA. Lots of negative things being said so I will not say anything to add to it.

Behind the scenes.

Some things being discussed behind closed doors. I want to mention a few but will not be naming specifics. Our president has been approached by another nation asking to rent a region of eSA, looks like no one is interested in this and seems as if it might be filed away in file 13, but discussions are still taking place.

Next the subject of becoming a member of EDEN or TERRA has also been brought up. There is talk of joining an alliance so as to give eSA something to fight for and gain a sense of belonging with the international community. This discussion is still an ongoing one, so let us know what your opinion is.

Also a lot of discussion has been around the congress elections which is today so let us go out and vote for our congress people, we look forward to having a full congress contingent this term, be a part of it and vote.

And in other news

Zagrius has broken his keyboard! Writing all those articles last week and I would like to thank him for the effort he has put into the game over the last week. Not sure what I am talking about check his most recent articles. So do the right thing vote and subscribe to his paper.

Also things to look out for … the clash of the titans south africa holds its breathe as we wait for the next move in this ongoing saga – Tenshibo versus Wingfield – should be good. As we stand and watch as first blood has been drawn…promises to be a good match.

Well South Africans nothing else to say but cheers! Catcha in the game…
Your Vice President
A naartjie.