Day 681, 16:04 Published in Serbia Serbia by Lipec
English version at bottom.

Poštovani čitaoci Sr. Bina, danas za Vas imam specifičnu molbu...

Naš PEACE saveznik, eItalija, pokušava da napravi Baby boom. Osim klasične medijske propagande tekstove su napisali i na nekim internet sajtovima....

Zamolio bih vas da za iste glasate i da na taj način pomognemo eItaliji.

Linkovi ka sajtovima:

Glasate sa leve strane ispod broja kod naziva

Glasate na OK sa leve strane na vrhu strane

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Hvala svima unapred!


Respected readers of Sr. Bin, today I have a specific request for you...

Our PEACE ally, eItaly, is trying to make a Baby boom. Besides the classical media propaganda, they also wrote texts on some internet sites...

I would ask you to vote for the texts, and help eItaly by doing so.

Links to the sites:

Vote on the left side below the number by the title

Vote on OK on the left side on the top of the page

Vote this article!

Your "Sr. Bin" aka Lipec.