Some thoughts on July 4

Day 957, 18:29 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
I have a bunch of quick things I want to say but no one long item for a full article. Enjoy these briefs, RL newspaper style.


Our Croatian friends suffered a big loss today in the battle for Northwest Croatia.

We must stand by them.

Croatia has always been there for America in our time of need. Odds are Croatia will be continue to be attacked by Hungary and Serbia, and now may have fewer resources at its disposal because of the loss of a region.

When Croatia is attacked and our DoD orders (or your military/militia orders) say for you to fight there, fight for Croatia like you would if an American territory was attacked.


President Chocolate McSkittles decided to attack Russia yesterday, opening up their MPPs against us. This means that if Russia attacks us in the future, all of their current allies will be able to attack us from home as well.

I do not agree with Choc's attack, I would not have pushed the button if I were President. I can't blame him though, based on his reasoning. We do need some kind of jolt as a country, by any measure, the USA has declined in activity ever since the end of World War III about a year ago.

Choc has challenged us. Will we meet the challenge?

At some point, Russia will use those MPPs to attack us for real. It's inevitable and will happen. We have to be ready to defend ourselves when it does.

While a Russia with MPPs is a threat to our national security, this does not guarantee we will be reduced to one state like we were a year ago -- multiple countries were attacking us then with activated MPPs, only Russia has them now.


I remember the days when the DoD Orders newspaper always got into the Top 5 easily and usually were the #1 article in the USA. This doesn't always happen anymore, but it's just as important. Look at today, when we had multiple battles going on all over the world. We needed America's damage to go to the right place.

This goes for every American, Brolliance citizen and EDEN citizen --- It is your duty to vote up every single DoD article.


While I stand by every word in my previous article, I felt bad writing it only because one of my good friends in this game, Devan Kronos, was running as Aiden's Vice President. Let it be known that Devan Kronos is not involved at all in the incident I wrote about. I hope Devan Kronos ends up on the cabinet for either Bradley Reala or Killing Time -- DK has a lot to offer.

That's all for tonight. Enjoy your July 4th.