Sneak Peek at Appleby's Cabinet!

Day 1,627, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Today, we received a sneak peek into Appleby's chosen Cabinet, and wanted to publish it first! Our source released this under the condition of remaining anonymous, but that's his handle on IRC if anyone wants to talk to him.

So, without further ado:

Emperor: Iain Keers

When asked why he chose this cabinet to return to activity, he said "Why not, I've made every decision in the United Kingdom for three years."

Deputy Prime Minister: RodneyMcKay

When asked what his duties would be this month as DPM, he said "I don't know, but I'll do more than John Forseti!"

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dan Moir

Dan has decided to step into a leading role this month, taking his three years in establishing and growing the Unity Party along with his long list of foreign contacts to the right office this time. He said he plans on "doing whatever I'm told".

Minister of Home Affairs: Mr Woldy

Woldy is returning this month, after a long hiatus. He was asked recently why he threw his hate in the ring, and he said "It's the only way I can get my throne back without working!

Minister of Defence: Tom Morgan

Photo redacted for his own security. You know every country would take him out because of his pure genious.

Because....well, it's pretty self explanatory.

Minister of Immigration: Sir Nick Griffin

What else is Nick Griffin good at?

Minister of Forum Reorganisation: WayneKerr


After months of talking about how things need to be improved (on a separate forum, obviously), Wayne is going to show us how it's done!

Head of National Security Committee: Alfagrem

When asked if he'd like his photo removed for security, he replied "Bring it, b*tches".

Alfagrem has been placed this month in charge of all tactical moves and strategic advances for the United Kingdom, and pledges that if we cannot naturally do the damage required to win, he'll just pay for the rest himself!

Minister of Communications: Stefan1992

Stefan admittedly was greater in this role than any of the last few participants, and pledges to once again bring back the days where we don't need to pay to get articles into the 1,000 vote range! When asked how, he replied "I'll just get the Serbs to do it".

Minister of Finance: Widdows9000

Because.....why not.

Minister of Mexican Food Importation: Dishmcds

My enchiladas bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours, etc.

Minister of Immigration: Bob Boblo

Once, Bob was asked if he hated Dioists. He replied "No, their affiliation is not their fault, but mine for not being able to reach them." Who better to head a religious section than someone more willing to accept blame than place it?

Minister of Internet Connectivity: Talon Karrde

Talon will head the department to ensure that all your internet routers are up to the level of his, ensuring our absolute best in battle capability (on the level with the Turks, and any DDoS attack).

King: Kumnaa

Location redacted. When asked why he didn't want his location published, he replied "Do you think I want Jessica Tandy looking for me, too?!"

So there you go, folks. When you go to the polls tomorrow, vote smart. Vote for the best Cabinet!

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy
