Scandal in UKPP election

Day 2,827, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
Scandal in UKPP election

OK, now the dust has settled and Tangbod is getting his bearings in his new office as rightfully-elected Party President of the UKPP, I've decided to bring the following underhand tactics, that emerged during the election of said PP, to public knowledge.

Yes, we had the usual drivel from King William the Great:


The standard Silly-Billy rantings we in the UKPP are used to; i.e. him shouting daily with a countdown to him saving the UKPP from tyranny. This from the one & only Ajay, who prevented over half the party partaking in discussions in his last term.

Anyway I digress, here's the shocker:

Who the hell is that pretending to be our hero, Tangbod?

Their name got changed twice, yes TWICE, during the election. The original name began with an I .. Ishgoo, I think .. when I saw the initial electoral roll at day-change. But I'm sure that had been changed at least once. They have since been banned "for not respecting eRepublik Terms of Service":

you can click the pic to see the profile yourself

So, who's responsible? Who put them up to it, and who supplied the 50-odd gold to do it?

I suspect the following:

King William the Great
aka Ajay

Prince Harry.
[aka Dappy .. notice the full-stop at the end .. pretty damning[/i]

Sir Winston S Churchill
by association to Dappy

William Ross
BDP dictator PP

Ajay's puppy

The admins are yet to confirm anything, so I'll let the public discuss and decide who gets hung.