Sadness and Strength: Sara for President!

Day 972, 02:47 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
A. Stop moping or Quit!

Sooo many of my good friends have quit, I was very sad... The Age of Giants is over and more now than ever now the future will be run - and should be run - by newer players. It is therefore with some sadness that I see the likes of Jacobi and Acacia running - again. Both have their merits indeed but where is the new wine, dying on the vine? We've seen the 'oldies' all before... nothing ever changes for real.

So quit or get in? I pondered hard but the truth is quitting is for those who have won or are beaten. the war is not won and I am by no means beaten, for to me 'winning' is not holding any position (many quit after being President etc) but nothing less than winning the war! So I have decided to stay. Moreover seeing these ancient 'Giants' stand I wish to announce that the small person that is me will also be asking for your vote on August 5th. If you're in - you're in 100%! Qualifications for the job? Well apart from being MoFa 12 times in 5 countries, MoF once, VP twice and President once I shall let you be the judge...

The Backgroun😛 Fact to Accountability

Any real system of Government stems from a realist approach to the problems. I am perhaps somewhat different than most here because the systems themselves interest me and I have given some thought as to how they should work. Unlike my worthy oppenents therefore, who no doubt wish to raise and lower a few taxes, increase spending here or there, attack this or that I set forth a Philosophy of Inclusion that will make eCanada inclusive and accountable. Let us take it from basics:

There are two forms of legitimacy within erep; primary and secondary: The primary ones are the elected President, Congressmen and Party Presidents. The Secondary ones are Government Ministers, Judges, Party Councils etc. However the REAL sovereignty, the over-riding judge, is the COMMUNITY. The question then becomes how does the community stay in touch with elected representatives etc and hold them to account? How does Congress and the public hold the Executive to account? Can we have referendums? How do we change Eden, which seems sadly to have become a 'closed door' organisation? This lead me to a system of accountable Government within erep which I shall endevour to explain in future articles.

First Conclusions

I shall not "go gentle into that good night"; I owe it to the Giants who have passed to bring in the new generation. Therefore I shall stand for President (has there ever been a Lady President in eCanada?). The questions above are founded on solid logical enquiry into how a society can be inclusive and accountable - not just to Congress but to you! It is VITAL right now that new citizens shine and have explanations for policy so that they learn.

I am a small person who has laboured long and hard in the background, my recipe for next month is inclusiveness and accountability: the I&A formula!