RIP SicSid

Day 1,446, 09:10 Published in Serbia Brazil by Dio Jazar

Song, always good to listen one...

One curious thing about playing erepublik for so long time is that while eLife goes on, Life... real one keep going on too....

I saw friends of mine, erep ones, starting to date, some of them getting engaged, i even saw some guys who met here and had a son, cute one. I made some friends from many countries and from my own country, met many of them IRL ( I was in Argentina and Serbia)....

But unfortunatelly I saw 2 great friends 'LogOut" from the real World, Latifa and Mulauca... and now I see one more going, SicSid

Sid wasnt a GREAT friend as Latifa and Mulauca were to me, but he was a GREAT guy and someone I trusted, liked and respected, this is a GREAT loss not only to Indonesia, but for the Whole erepublik community.

Many still dont understand this is a game and in the other side we have IRL people, not a souless characther (in some cases we have a machine I guess) and it is possible to play against other teams and keep the respect.

Lets prey his family find a path in this world without his lead, as this is the most important for now.

And I will keep to myself all the great memories and moments I remember to have with him and "his ppl", such as this one.

Rip Sid