Return to Us, 300

Day 1,920, 17:31 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Dishmcds
In this place, the air was thin. It felt like you could run for days, yet without the presence of sand, you wouldn't move an inch. It was your life blood, the CO to your 2. There was no life without sand, there was no World without Dio.

It is written in scripture how mighty our 300 was. The 300 could conquer battlefields with their presence; their mere stare was enough to make the snow demon run away. Just imagine 300 of the world's strongest tanks, and multiply that by 10, and you'd still have no idea of the depths of what the strength of Pakistan could muster.

As Pakistan bloomed, the 300 set out across the world. They led armies, retired into temples, forever remembered for their exploits. Germany, Poland, Murica, the UK, Canada, the 300 were forever mobile, and forever heard. Battle WRY rang out as they attacked, the muffled sounds of Meat Shield and the like turned back thousands of snow weary warriors.

The 300 shall rise again. Pakistan has forever remained small in numbers, and large in might. Its warriors known from sea to sea, and yet Dio proclaims it's time to come home. It's time to form again, into the mightiest unit this disgusting place has ever seen. We might have new faces, but we'll have the same unity and strength as the old. We work as one, we share, we hit the battlefield at the same time, striking fear into the hearts of our enemies, eyes and ears slanted alike.

We come back bigger, better, stronger, and with even more Dio than ever before.

Would you have it any other way?