Resource Wars Incoming

Day 3,074, 08:27 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

Dear Citizens,

Over the next 2 months we plan to roll out a series of changes in order to put more emphasis on the strategy part of the game and address several of eRepublik’s issues as voiced by the Community.

We are presenting a sketch roadmap of the things we are currently working on so you can both have an overview of the things to come and have your say on it.

A new Industry together with its correspondent New Resources will be added to the eRepublik Economy. Countries will be able to fight for the New Resources as part of a fresh Resource Wars event, starting in the following weeks. This remake of the 2015 Resource Wars will bring different rules to the table and a greater focus on strategy and balancing.

The new Industry will significantly change the way the battles are fought and allow new users to matter from their first days, without impacting the fun of the loyal players base.

Once the Resources are allocated and the event is over, bonus productivities of the regions will change, the rare resources regions will have better bonuses than the common ones.

Players’ Companies will no longer travel with them. Companies will be established on firm ground and benefit from the bonuses of the Region/Country they are based in. Taxes will be calculated accordingly and Companies will be subject to trade embargos once again. Players will get to decide where to base their current Companies.

Region specific taxes will follow enabling a higher taxation of occupied territories as spoils of war. As a next step we will be looking at the introduction of Regional Governments with elected officials.

Increased revenue for Country accounts by extending taxation to all the revenue base (Combat Orders and Currency medals), enabling governments to better fund Military Campaigns among other things.

Travel will suffer changes too, and will no longer be based on arbitrary zones but on Real World distances.

Players that fight in closely contested rounds will get more Prestige Points.
I would think your first course of a action as a player is to start saving your energy bars for the upcoming wars. Some of the changes are from Beta and some are from V1, but not enough V1 for my liking.