Resignation: Of Honour

Day 938, 05:21 Published in Austria Canada by SaraDroz

Woe, Woe to eSwitzerland!!!!! To them eAustria brings war!!! Not even ourselves... but we shall let the eHun and Phoenix hordes through to an arguably pro Eden nation...

The 'Dirty Deal'

Yes Wilhelms article disclosure article I am told is TRUE. I was amazed... when I first saw this article but it has been confirmed to me on IRC that it is indeed correct. eAustrias long held neutrality is effectively over and in the course of one conversation, without Congress consultation (to my knowledge), eAustria has firmly moved to the Phoenix camp.

How so? Well I asked President Fragreg fair and square in eAustria Caninet IRC if he would alow eHungary through to eSwitzerland. He replied that he would. I resigned.

The Apologists

Loads of these I've had... "Eden burned their bridges with us", "What did you expect?", "Is your priority the survival of eAustria?" and last but most forceful the &quot😉o we have a choice?" arguement.

Let me deal then with the last arguement, which as I have explained to several Cabinet members is essentialy the logical fallacy of argumentum ad baculum. In English this is arguement with a threat &quot😉o it or else..." but an ad baculum argument is fallacious when the punishment is not logically related to the conclusion being drawn.(Wiki) To explain in simple terms:

"Let us through or we bash you" is logicaly identical to saying "2+2 = 5 or I kill you!"... happily it doesn't make 2+2 = 5. Existence has nothing to do with a reason to agree, only to comply. "Comply" implies force and while I understand that our President may feel 'forced' to agree I am not forced to agree and make my choice accordingly.


Now it one thing to destroy our neutrality and let Phoenix pass (in the shape of eHungary) pass through our regions. Indeed our application to Entente may benefit from this (though it says little of Ententes independance from Phoenix) as it would help eFrance - which is the goal. These decisions our Congress have a right to make.

However we are also deciding here for eSwitzerland on whose behalf we have NO RIGHT to decide. Suppose eHungary at their border and they do not wish this? It has been said to me "Why would they vote the MPP if they didn't agree?" Maybe for the promised training war??

As MoFa I was never asked to contact the eSwiss Government about their views. However since my resignation I did and while eSwitzerland remains very much unsure of it's position (it's Shaolin Government is eRussian) I got the following reply:

SaraD Pascal_Couchepin the eSwiss Government agrees?
08:52 Pascal_Couchepin not at all

I will state it very clearly: Not only have me destroyed our neutrality we have added to this a dishonour of letting Phoenix into our neighbour without asking them! What God given right do we have to decide for them? Or was this to save ourselves too? My answer was: None.

Lets be Friends: Guarantees and Burnt Bridges

Yesterday Phx wanted a training war with us... now they want to pass through with a threat of force. But hold up... who occupies Burgenland and wasn't that supposed to be returned? Do YOU trust them? The Cabinet does NOT so why on earth do we not have guarantees? Gold deposits to be returned when they have left would be a first step, taking strong MPPs on the other side would be advisable. What guarantees has eSwitzerland been given? Same us: None.

Now it is one thing to be friends and have ppl think you are 'compliant' because of their stick and quite another to throw oneself headlong into the jaws of a crocodile and rely on it's benevolence. The first is illogical and the second is insane. In this case the 'crocodile' has already bitten us in Burgenland...

Not only this but to compound these multiple follies and fallacies we burn our bridges with Eden... who - without any enforceable or financial or ANY guarantee except the 'smile of a crocodile' - would be our only hope. I am sorry but as a Government Minister this was not sufficient for me. Nor is making an enemy of Eden wise without Phoenix guarantees as we will almost certainly face PTO trouble.

The Phoenix/Rhone Alps Equation.

It is understandable that eFrance wants their origional regions back and I have personaly, in the past, tried to bring them to an agreement with eSpain (and ePoland at the time). eAustria has applied to join Entente. We are not yet accepted not has our Congress decided on any terms Entente may have... We have NOT applied to join Phoenix. I can understand why eFrance must ask Phoenix for help but if Entente is to truly become something other "Phoenix' little Brother" then it not a reason for us - who are not yet members - to accept this.

Moreover there is an existing route already open for Phoenix via eSlovenia and eItaly! Why then when we are not even an Entente member are we and eSitzerland the preffered route? Had the choice been mine I would have pointed this out to Phoenix and told them to 'go elsewhere' as their question endangers us and without any guarantees and dishonours me on behalf of eSwitzerland (with whom and for whom I would require long talks and guarantees).

Fragreg and Conclusion: Bye

Fragreg is and will always remain a friend of mine and I am sorry I can no longer support his Government. As a person and as President I continue to give him my support and whatever happens in the future I will always try to help the friends I have made here in eAustria and certainly Fragreg is and will prove to be a wise and great ePresident.

When I came here I said I did not wish in any way to PTO or sway your decisions: Honour is important to me. I came to advise and to then to set up your MoFa Department. The Government has decided and I respect it's decision. The decision is however incompatible with what I regard as honour or sense. My respect for the President and for eAustria will continue but I cannot force myself to agree with what I don't agree with. This is my honour too...I hope you will understand.