Request for Proposal - Q7 Weapons Procurement

Day 4,662, 08:53 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

The Government of Canada, through the Ministry of Defence, is authorizing the purchase of Q7 Weapons for the continued building and expansion of the eCanadian Q7 Weapon stockpile.


If you are willing to offer Q7 weapons to the Canadian government, please send a message to the Canadian Civil Defence, the organization affiliated with this newspaper, or Mann551. In your message, be sure to state how many weapons you are willing to sell, and at what price per weapon.

Those who are chosen to proceed with the sale will be contacted in response.

Those who offer to sell will be selected based on the below criteria:

1. The offer is the cheapest offer of all submitted offers.*
2. The Ministry of Defence still has room in the budget to purchase more weapons.

*Preference will be given to eCanadian producers.

This Request for Proposal will close at 09:00 on August 28, 2020, Day 4,665 of the New World. After this time, those selected offers will be contacted to fulfill the order.

Thank you for your offers and considerations.