Represent Order (Sir Rex's manifesto)

Day 1,968, 05:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Hello, my name is Sir Rex (aka Rexy, billdelf, Rexy baby, etc). I’m here to talk about why I’m the best choice for the position of Party President. First of all let me talk about myself and my heroic exploits.

To shorten this down I shall list all of my amazing achievements so far:

A recruitment member of the MoHA x2
Controller and host of the SNA podcast xforever
Secretary General for the UKRP x2
Military unit commander for UKRP Hydra x4
Member of the UKRP recruitment team x2
Congress member x1
Constantly active on IRC and on the forums

Main policy

My main issue with the party currently is that it does not place great emphasis on party positions and what they are responsible for (Secretary General, Councillor etc). Under my leadership, anyone who is allocated a certain party position will receive a list of responsibilities to fit that role: Councillor will be Head of Recruitment, Spokesman will be in charge of releasing articles, Sec. Gen. will be head of polls and games with the Party President overseeing every division. This means that he/she will have more time to focus on specific party tasks. It will also be a much more efficient system and will give the holders of the positions some experience as leaders.


Anyone can apply for congress. They will be asked to write a sentence on why they should be in congress. The best candidates will be chosen based on their past experiences, passing the accreditation courses, their reasoning as to why they should be in congress and their future potential within the party. Anyone can come first and anyone can be picked last. I shall consider allowing other parties to run under us but they are to be treated like any of our candidates, in the sense that they will go through the same selection process.

CP Candidate

It will be decided by a poll on the forums. Again, anyone can apply but they will be picked by the poll and not by the leadership. I am willing to support other parties candidates, but the overall decision will be indicated by the poll results.


The Head of Recruitment (aka the Councillor) will be in charge of a team composed both of the best recruiters and newer players who want to prove themselves. I will make sure that the head of recruitment is doing a good job but I will allow others to apply for the position if I feel he/she is not fulfilling their duties. There will be competitions between teams to see who can get the highest number of new recruits and the winners will get appropriate prizes for all of their hard effort. I would like to use google spreadsheets to prevent mistakes and improve efficiency.

Accreditation courses

These will remain in place. It is a great idea and I would like it to continue. I would like Madacaion to carry it on, as he did an excellent job, but I or another experienced member can take-over if Madacaion doesn't want to.

Party President announcements

They will carry on, as before, with forum posts for general topics and PMs for more urgent matters.

Thank you for your time and represent order!