Realistic CP Options

Day 1,384, 09:59 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

First I apologise 100% to Treian for my mistake in my last article: I was wrong in saying, in my last article, there were only 2 articles by him while CP and this was an honest and unintentional mistake. I aplogise and am sad to see no Treian on the the options list for tomorrows vote.

This leaves us with THREE potential choices: ('Dark Horse') Aeriala, ('Thief') Rolo and ('Daddy') Addy Lawrence.

Addy is a great addition to our choices in my opinion: A wealth of experience and a wizard of erep and eCanadian economics in general. Though some may question his foreign policy experience and future choices for Natural Enemy there is no doubt that Addy is a great eCanadian and would make a capable and conscientious CP. In many ways Addy is a 'safe and trusted' choice. I wonder though how serious he is... To my eyes its reads that MOO, Addys own Party creation is supporting Rolo and Rolo... (see: Nor have I seen any policy statement by Addy, though as with my Treian mistake I may be wrong but can't find one. I am therefore somewhat confused about his name being on the ballot and this alone is cause for fears.

T-Rolo-llo has raised publicity recently regrding Aerialas nomination: Who are the Partys supporting Rolo? MOO... I thought they back Addy? The 'MOO' that supports Rolo has... wait for it... 1 member! The 'Apathetic non-Party'... you gessed it: 1 member! The 'Citizen Party' a whole 2 members (whoop!); 'Party Hard' an enourmous 5 members, Rolos MDP 1, Rolo DAL 4 members etc etc... 14 'Rolos' in total from 6 Parties. To accuse Aeriala of 'candidacy fraud' is therefore a bluff that ignores his own creditentials to say the least.

Moreover we are used to Rolo tactics; deceit and thefts hoping his publicity will pull him through to perhaps steal again. His election would devide the ecountry between those he has fooled and those who don't get fooled twice. Wars innitiated by a Rolo lead eGovernment would perhaps have less support and quite possibly he would be impeached and steal eCanadas funds (again). I would argue that this is NOT a wise choice.

Following Aerialas call for more political debate this has become a keenly argued election and for this we should be grateful. Even I, a semi retired ereper due to lack of time, am doing a second article! In this alone Aeriala has succeeded already. Aeriala has possibly less financial experience than say Addy Lawrence, who is arguably our best economic 'guru'. On the plus side though Aeriala has more foreign policy (arguably) than 'Daddy' Addy having been Terra SG. Idealy a future Aeriala eGovernment would appoint Addy as VP and MoF to give the next eGovernment in both economics and foreign policy while helping create unity.

As I see it Rolo is trying to con the electorate - a whole 14 people support Rolos candidacy! The question is why? Well he stole from us before... Perhaps he is reformed but I'm not willing to bet on it. Who then is best placed to defeat him? In my opinion Aeriala. I therefore stand by my previous article and beg to differ with Jacobi and Cypher for the reasons above.