Ready to Show Missouri a Thing or Two

Day 884, 23:46 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

Citizens, I am attempting to make my return to Congress. This month, I, Rheinlander von Phalz, will be running for my seventh term in the eUnited States Congress representing Missouri! Please allow me to formally present my credentials and positions, and I hope you see fit to give me another month representing you.

History, Credentials, and Experience

I was first elected to Congress in Arizona in September 2009. I followed that up with two more terms representing Arizona. In November, I became Deputy Speaker of the House. In my opinion, this was around the time when the eUS Congress, and the country at large, was at its best. The activity of our citizens and elected officials was high, and hopefully we can pull it back up to that level again. In December 2009, I was elected to represent Michigan. For the second and third terms I served in Michigan, I was elected Speaker of the House, meaning I oversaw all Congressional proceedings. Throughout my Congressional career, I was consistently rated among the most active Congressmen, and I was endorsed by 18 political parties for my last run in Michigan. However, my activity level started to wane and, even though I likely could have won another election unopposed, I felt it prudent to take a hiatus until I had the time I expected a Congressman to be able to contribute.

In the November, December, and January presidential terms (Frost’s first and Jewitt’s) I sat on the Cabinet as Secretary of Media. During my tenure, the department expanded from simply the White House Press Release to organize related endeavors, such as the Pony Express and REACH. I was also the White House Press Secretary for the first two months leading the Media Department, meaning I wrote and published regular releases to let the citizens know what their government was up to.

I am the commanding officer of platoon P2 of the eUnited States National Guard and have been since the reorganization of the branch from the Home Guard. This is one of two platoons for politically-active guardsmen, so many of your Congressmen and Party Presidents in the military are under my supervision.

I spent three months as Chairman of the Congressional Elections Committee of America’s Advancement Party. My job involved candidate assessment and improvement, and the quality of the nation’s Congress drastically improved with our reforms. We got to know what to look for in a good Congressman and ensured that we only fielded candidates we would be proud to call our representatives.

Other assorted credentials and experiences:

- Congressional Liaison to the White House during Josh Frost’s second term

- Policy advisor to President PigInZen

- One of the original pioneers of what would become the “Federal Election Commission” starting as early as November 2009

- Community Development Program

- Field Marshal in-game rank

- 21 strength

Navigating the Post-EDEN World

I was one of the Congressmen to vote to join EDEN, although I and many other representatives of the time were not incredibly enthusiastic about the proposition. Back then the alliance worked, had an enemy to fight, and the member-states seemed to genuinely care for their comrade’s well-being. My hesitation centered on the idea that we would eventually become the bad guys, moving from a defensive alliance (the “D” in “EDEN”) to a belligerent league once the other super-alliance no longer existed to keep challenging us. Instead of fighting neutral nations once PEACE/Phoenix had been removed as a serious threat, instead we started to argue amongst ourselves.

I opposed the decision to formally leave EDEN, even though I was well aware of declining relations with our allies. Keep in mind that my perspective as a Congressman and policy advisor was different from that of the State Department. I felt that representatives to EDEN, not just ours, had lost sight of camaraderie and the national interests of all other members.

What we need now is a Congress ready to handle the new global climate we find ourselves in. An invasion against the United States is once again possible, and if we make too many foreign policy mistakes it is practically inevitable. In addition, we have to deal with the very real threat of political takeover. We need to understand that we are not invincible.


Candidates seem to focus on their tax plans often, and in doing so they always reveal how uninformed they are. A drastic change is simply not going to happen, as our current plan has been the result of a long series of debate and examination. In my Congressional career spanning half a year, there were perhaps only three or four changes to the eUS tax code. Our programs are sufficiently funded and our populace has sufficient spending money to keep the economy working, and if they did not the situation would have been addressed many months ago. It takes a considerable volume of data to convince Congress to adjust the tax rate, and even then it is often small. I will consider this data if it is presented, as I always have done, but I find it most likely that any change in the tax rate will be unnecessary.

A Real National Goal

Even without the in-game national goals mechanic, the country needs a goal to unify it and give it direction. We are as a team working towards an objective, or else there wouldn’t need to be nations occupying the world’s regions. When I was taking my first steps into the world, that goal was liberating our regions from PEACE GC. (Russia, Hungary, Portugal, France, Iran, Colombia, and Indonesia combined occupied all our regions except Florida at one point.) After the euphoria of liberation wore off, we embarked upon a new goal, one I call the Land War in Asia. It was in this adventure that the United States landed in Karnataka. Our goal of eliminating the Phoenix colonies in Asia was only partially realized, as we lost an important fight against Hungary in Manchuria. (I am not ashamed to admit defeat and never called the operation a “block” in retrospect.) While it will be beyond my power as a Congressman to dictate military strategy, I feel that the eUS should once more give serious consideration to a tangible objective, especially for the sake of retention. I do not think it coincidental that we were the most active, kept citizens longer, and had more fun when we had something to ‘do.’


No region has regretted electing me to represent them before. I am very active and motivated, and my experience has covered a wide range of fields. Of course Missouri is the Show-Me State, so I invite you to elect me and allow me to show you what I can do. Thanks again.

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Endorsed by the Bastards Of Liberty

This candidate is endorsed by the Trade and Military Alliance (TAMA)