Quick tip for sellers

Day 1,212, 08:43 Published in India Netherlands by rainy sunday
Since the addition of the new storage room and the change to setting market offers, I've overheard a number of citizens comment on not being able to edit market offers. Guess what? Editing market offers is possible after all.

As you know, when posting a sale offer you set the product type, quantity, price/unit and market location.

If you wish to raise the quantity of goods for sale, simply enter the additional quantity at the same cost and hit “set offer”. The number of goods will be automatically updated.

You can only edit price/unit if you add a minimum of 1 item to quantity of the offer. The updated price/unit will apply to entire quantity for sale automatically.

While this does not permit you to lower the quantity of your offer without removing the offer, you can easily increase the quantity of offer and raise or lower your prices.

In other business news:

Plato announces Minor improvements in sell companies system

My friend, Teucer, has started a series on economics and takes a quick look at the new unified inventory. Recommended reading if you're just getting started in economics or need a refresher.
Economics, Investing, and The Basics, Part 1
Economics, Investing, and The Basics, Part 2
Unified Inventory, Pros and Cons
Economics, Investing, and The Basics, Part 3
Economics, Investing, and The Basics, Part 4

Litro writes a brief explanation of what has been updated in Day 1210 Update Details