Q5 hospital company in the Czech e-republik

Day 467, 11:37 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck

Group Abrivianius proposed business, I want to know your opinion.

Greetings mister President,
I am Habraka Abrivianius, CEO of Group Abrivianius and Minister of Trade of the Belgian Government. I would like to discuss a proposal which can benefit both the Czech Republic and it's economy, as the Belgian-Czech trade and political relations.
As you might or might not know, Group Abrivianius is active in the Czech Republic through one of it's subsidiaries, Abrivianius Medical Inc., a construction company making Q2 Hospitals. Group Abrivianius would like to upgrade this company to a Q5, with export licences to certain high demand countries. Now, in order to do this, we were wondering if the Czech government is interested in investing in this endeavour.
If this Q5 Hospital should become operational in the Czech Republic, it would be able to employ up to 20 high skilled workers, generating a market for high quality food, houses, gifts, weapons, and in turn the raw material market would boom. This can potentially be very beneficial for the local economy, as people employed by Abrivianius Medical Inc. would buy more local products, increasing demand, which in turn makes local companies able to expand operations, employ more people, those people will now earn more money and buy more products, etc... The trickle down effect from Q5 Hospitals and Defence Systems is certainly not to be underestimated for smaller economies like Belgium and the Czech Republic. Not to mention the amount of people that will be drawn to this country by the ever increasing employment opportunities, which will make you see an increase in tax revenue and generally make your country, it's companies and it's citizens more wealthy.
I am looking forward to an official response from the Czech Republic for this, and we at Group Abrivianius hope that we will be able to cooperate fruitfully in the future.
Habraka Abrivianius
Chief Executive Officer
Group Abrivianius

Well, my first concern would be to get enough people to work for me in order to be productive. In about a month or so I can have enough Gold to upgrade the company to Q5 from Q2 now, but I only intend to do that if I am sure there will be enough employees available.

CZK on salaries would be good, I can manage the Gold. What would you think about 20% of government funding on the wages, for the first three months, with an option to renegotiate or void the deal after those three months.
So let's assume I have a salary of 100 CZK, I would pay 85 and the government 20