Putting myself on the chopping block

Day 833, 05:35 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

I thought I would respond to the question that keeps getting trolled up from time to time and offer it as incentive to get some people to the negotiating table.

A few on my favorite Phoenix readers keep wanting to know when I will leave Belgium.

Here is the answer:

I will serve out the remainder of my elected term of office and then leave

PROVIDED both Phoenix and EDEN tactical voters are reduced by 300 voters each.

With that accomplished, I will feel better regarding Belgium's future and independence. I still believe more will need to be eliminated, but if I were to set too high a goal, I am sure I would be accused of stalling.

I feel 300 is a reasonable number.
It is a nice round number.
It was a cool movie.

So lets start putting the pressure on the leaders of all Phoenix and EDEN PTO/ATO groups.

Get your members to sign up on the Belgian Census so that they can be counted.

Lets get 600 citizens back to their original nationalities.

Let's allow Belgium to live without the threats of PTO from either alliance.