Poland VS TWO!!

Day 2,083, 08:41 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Kordak

ePoland vs TWO

Greetings readers,

Just saw the news of another "generous" deal of ePoland. We all know the deals TWO countries make to supply their wars. They will first attack a country and occupy it for many months so they can later ask insane high amounts of money. This time the victim is eUSA, one of the biggest CoT countries. I will transulate the most important points of the article and have added in bold some comments:

ePoland and eUSA will try to regain trust to each other by doing the following things:

Both sides agreed that:
-Treaty is valid for up to 5 September 2013 This is just a single month..
-Treaty will be renewed each month This will mean they can break it any time they want

Under the following terms:

1 The U.S. government agrees to pay 100.000 cc Poland for the return of the first five regions (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts). Paying for their own regions.. Only 5 for such a insane amount

2 The U.S. government agrees to pay another 100.000 cc Poland for the next five regions that Poland return (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC). So all together 200.000 cc to pay for own regions

3 The remaining seven regions (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina), the U.S. government can buy for 50.000 cc after buying the first regions listed in paragraphs above. Yes another 50.000 cc which makes a total of 250.000 cc..

4 Member States have to respect the non-aggression pact. This includes organizing the uprisings that are not compatible with this Treaty and to support other countries in fighting against the signatories to the treaty. This part is funny, Poland betrays TWO! The USA will no longer fight at regions occupied by Poland, but they will simply attack the other countries including Serbia and Hungary. And since Poland may not help them 😛

5 As a security and for the expression of good will, the U.S. government will have to send a deposit of 50.000 cc to the treasury of Poland. This amount will be returned after a month performing a treaty if it is not in any way compromised by the United States.Security of good will? Didn't they already send like 250.000 cc to your treasure? Lol just at another 50.000cc, why not? Like 300.000cc is so much more than 250.000cc.. 😉

6 If Poland violates the provisions of the treaty, the U.S. will receive a pre-paid amount of the deposit (50.000 cc) back.
If Poland violates the treaty they will send back money.. Like they will admit they break the treaty.. But I understand no other country takes the deposit, because Poland backstabbed them all including brother Serbia and Hungary :')

Original article:


So it seems like everyone wants to be a puppet state of Poland, they shouldn't accept this! So the choice is theirs: Puppet or WAR

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