PM Update Day 10

Day 362, 21:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, lots of stuff going on. I'll stick the MoI stuff in the middle just to break up our sections a little bit.

World Wars

So, a couple of days ago, Brazil declared war on Argentina. In one General's explanation, this was supposed to be a "peaceful war between two friends". Then how did Argentina not know it was coming to make it such? They were as surprised as it as we were. In response, we will back them as much as possible.

To make matters worse, tonight Indonesia has also declared war on Argentina. This makes two PEACE countries, who claim to be free from imperialistic views declaring war on a country who has never been in conflict outside of defending South Africa. To call this heinous would be an understatement. We are working on a response at the moment, but will most certainly back our hermanos in South America in any way possible.

Spain declared war on Portugal this evening, although we're still trying to learn the reasons why. We know a few, but would like to speak with Spain in regards to those and see what comes of it. Once we have the entire story, which our allies in Spain are more than entitled to give us, we will then formulate our exact position on the war.

Domestic Affairs and MoI

Amendment to the Ministry of Education

Incentives/Rewards for the Ministry of Education

Upon completion of the Education program, the following incentives and rewards can be placed by the Minister of Education, at his discretion:

Once a graduate completes the core testing level, he or she is then awarded a house, of either Q1 or 2, based on the passing guidelines laid out by the MoE. These houses are to be bought from a domestic company so long as the supply is on the market, and at a reasonable price.

Once a graduate completes the ACE level exams, he or she can be awarded a Q3 house, under the same purchasing guidelines as the core exams.

Any contributing member of the Board of Education, at the discretion of the MoE depending on contribution levels and activity, can also be awarded a Q3 house.

This is to be effective as soon as it passes Commons, where the MoE will then put a proper budget request into Commons for such funding. The MoE cannot request funds more than once per two week period, once they have a list of people who are enrolled in the program.

If a graduate of the ACE exams receives a higher quality house than the one initially awarded to them through the core levels, then they must donate that house to the "Houses for the Homeless" charity scheme run by Ip Lockard (and group, not sure who else does it) to provide them a steadier supply.

Propose😛 Dishmcds, currently going through vote

Creation of the Ministry of Technological Advancement

Minister of Technological Advancement

The Minister of Technology shall manage and direct any and all advancement through the use of technology both here and in game for the sake of the UK. We strive to be the best in all areas, and this is just another example of something we could absolutely do better than anyone.

The Minister shall:
1. Be required to be either a member of the House of Lords or House of Commons, as any other Minister.
2. Oversee budget requests and dispersal
3. be required to submit a term report (due to the long nature of some of the apps) each term on what they've spent money on and what projects they have in the making.
4. Receive their own private subforum in which the Minister and his developers to use so their projects are not taken by foreign eyes, and considered sensitive in Commons, should anything be required for vote.

The Minister Shall Not:
1. Request anything other than GBP for payment for any developing services they pay for. It shall be requested through the budget requests via Commons.

Propose😛 Dishmcds, currently going through voting

Spotlight on National Health Service

In today's spotlight series, I'm going to highlight how the new Ministry of Health works. Run by JerryGFL, we now have the capability to pull information from Erepublik and filter it by region, and all stats that you can get from a profile. This will not show work activity, but it's a start to try and maintain the wellness of those citizens in need. With the amount of newer players we have, it's important to build their wellness up so productivity is not affected.

Basically, each region has a clinic in it, run by an NHS Director, appointed by Jerry. From there, they take all the information for the citizens in each region, and then gift people. They can use the shout box, friend requests, and so on to make sure their citizens are taken care of.

So, join your local clinic today. Anyone interested in becoming a director should PM Jerry at the forums.

Time for My Rant on the House of Commons

In light of some recent concerns, I think there's some things we need to address within our own Commons as well as the House of Lords that some of us may be feeling.

First, there have been recent concerns expressed over our House of Commons setup, and I think some of their points have been valid. We've seen a definite decrease in activity from the Commons overall, partially due to the new voting system of Erepublik, and partially from the departure of many to fight in the military. I think we need to define quickly the following:

1. In my opinion, there is a definite need for military (as shown by the recent multitude of war declarations as well as upcoming resistance wars. I think the MoD is certainly necessary within the House of Lords as the duties of the MoD should include travelling with his or her troops, but beyond that there's a definite choice involved. You either join politics or the military, as it's a choice we've all had to make at some point and that shouldnt change, IMHO.

2. There are several candidates in the House of Lords that are currently intent on serving in Government or with another country in some capacity. We need to define in some manner how to determine whether or not they should be in our Governmental Structure, as I honestly feel there could arise some conflict of interest there. Being a part of our fantastic community feel here is one thing, but trying to Govern two seperate countries while remaining impartial is absolutely impossible. You're either UK or you arent to me.

That being said, another issue we have to face is that our Commons needs to remain active. There was a time when it was shifted to balance to the PCP side, but with the resignation of most of their Aussie population, that balance has shifted to the TUP and UKRP memberwise, and we need to define ourselves once again. Our voting has become less and less active, our discussions less active, and therefore it has once again become about 10-15 active members of Commons and the rest are not showing up as often as necessary to remain decent in the legislative process. Current procedures require 48 hours in Public Discussion, 48 hours in Commons, and 48 hours to vote. If someone cannot log in once per 6 days to give their opinions and allow us the ability to change things to benefit the UK, then it becomes what many would call an oligarchy. It's not my intention to "run things as such", as I know at least one would say, but I will do everything in my power to ensure things run as their supposed to, according to Legislative channels.

Overall, we need to once again improve the activity levels in Commons, and make sure the House of Lords is used as intended, and not a way to ensure that people who want to join the military are able to be in politics. It is not something anyone should take lightly, and you either do want to remain in the UK and run a legislative style government, or you want to go out and fight in every war possible. One or the other, in my opinion. We are not about going around the electoral system no matter how broken you may think it is. It is still an electoral system, and should be respected in every sense of the word.

Thanks again,

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom