PM Report - Day 1

Day 352, 06:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As I get used to my new place of residence here in the United Kingdom, I owe a thank you to many people who voted for me, and put their faith in me to lead the UK into the next stage of development. We've got many talented people including my opponents in the elections here in the UK, and I hope that we can all work together to improve our country.

I'd also like to take an opportunity to thank each of my opponents individually.

To FD, it was a great race, in which you were, in large part the dark horse. With four very good candidates running for office, and you returning to the UK I'd like to extend the opportunity of being in a Ministry as you are definitely experienced in most matters in the UK.

To Tim, it was a great race, and wherever you choose to apply yourself I'm sure that you'll do outstanding. It will be a loss to see you leave to Australia when you choose to do so.

And to Boomer, it was a lovely sight to see you as the only candidate early on yesterday, and for the most part you did well considering the size of the party you hail from and the length of time you've waited to even be on the ballot. I look forward to seeing your contributions in both Commons and Ministry if you choose to apply once again.

And I must say that this day is not without humility. While I thank the people who did vote for me, I must also thank the people who did not. It is my challenge to turn my critics to fans, and I will work as hard as humanly possible to do so. You've shown me that without humility you really cannot appreciate victory, which is something I'll remember for some time.

Over the next month, it should turn out to be quite interesting. Several events upcoming, economic surplus that needs taken care of, and quite a few of our active population are leaving to once again enjoy their birthplace. It will make this time all the more challenging, but I always felt like challenges bring out the best in all of us.

So, our first order of business will be appointing Ministers. As I previously stated, I've got a few things lined up for Ministers this term, to bring us closer together as a unit:

-I've lined out some of the main goals that I have personally for each department. Not the who or how, but what I'd like to see accomplished. These are for me personally, and I am hoping that with each Minister they will also give some input and add to them.

-I've set a date for our meetings at Thursday afternoons at 2 PM Erepublik time (excluding today, of course) in the chat room. If you cannot make it, I understand, but I will be sending out a weekly agenda and just asking for a short, informal update on how things are running.

-For any Minister who is or may be leaving, if you have someone you'd like to promote, then let me know who you're endorsing. I may not take that advice, but coming from an experienced Minister it does come in handy to know who to trust.

-And finally, for the Belgians as you mentioned in the Commons area you were considering some kind of Shadow Minister to learn from, I'd suggest you start getting some names in order so they can be considered if that's what you still want to do.

I'll ask that the current Ministers, who were scheduled to be done on the 7th (which is tomorrow), stay, if possible until the morning of the 10th, 8 AM GMT so I can properly choose Ministers. If that isnt possible (as in the case with our MoFA who will be Squiddy until I can make a proper judgement, but Tim will remain as the UMoFA), then please let me know.

Anyone wishing to apply must be registered at the forums, and this is both for our Apprenticeship Scheme as well as Ministers.

I am certainly the type of person to approach this as a job, as it's not my turn to have fun. It's your turn, and it's my elected duty to make sure each and every one of you, as citizens of this great nation, are well cared for. With just a little nudge to get the ball rolling, I aim to show the world that socially, economically, and militarily we are the greatest nation in Erepublik.

Sincerely, honoured, and humble,
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom