Please Do Not Vote in Missouri!

Day 887, 17:14 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
25 April 2010, Day 887 of the New World. Despite the efforts of many dedicated and intelligent people, at least two foreign PTO elements slipped through the cracks this month and found their way onto a Congressional ballot. Thankfully, the nation seems to be taking these potential threats seriously and launching a decisive response. That response is in the way of voting for Dennis McVicker on the United Independents Party ticket in North Carolina and voting for Talio Extremist on the Federalist Party ticket in Minnesota.

It is an unfortunate fact that many votes will continue to be wasted in the fortress regions. As of press time, Richardson, Cruise, and Fionia hold 207, 192, and 186 votes respectively. The next-highest vote counts among qualified candidates are those expecting PTO opposition: Extremist and McVicker. Then we come to Missouri, where the current vote total is 22-19. The next-highest vote total in the Wasteland (who is not receiving foreign support) is currently GreekHoplite in Washington with 18 followed by John Largo in Georgia with 11. This means that if either Missouri candidate, myself or Cloyd Wallis, was running in another region, he would be ahead.

The election this month in Missouri has been intense. Before most Wasteland regions had seen a single vote cast, I found myself down 5-2. I awoke in the lead 7-6, and the leader changed at least twice throughout the day. It has been a battle that would make your blood boil.

If you have not voted yet, even if you pledged your vote this month to Rheinlander von Phalz or Cloyd Wallis earlier, please do not vote in Missouri! Thanks to Astra Kat G, Wallis and I have settled this election. All remaining supporters are urged to change their vote to Dennis McVicker in North Carolina! Whatever you think of my opponent or me, preventing a potentially hostile agent from having access to citizenship approvals is vastly more important than making sure your man wins in Missouri.