Phase Three is a Go

Day 886, 13:37 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
24 April 2010, Day 886 of the New World. After much long and deliberate preparation, today I hereby announce phase three of my grand, master plan:

As you can see, this is a map. Wait, what? Is von Phalz preparing the dazzle the country with his cartography once more? Sources point to him attempting to reinstall ArcGIS on his replacement hard drive and resume the Congressional analyses last seen three months ago.

A fair amount has changed in the political landscape since the von Phalz maps were last distributed, and many new Congressmen have appeared on the scene. Of the eight parties represented in the 26th Congress, four no longer exist. Newcomers like SEES and the Technocrats have stepped up, and the United Independents are back in the Big Five.

The program is a rather complicated and esoteric piece of software, and it has a licensing system that is hard to navigate. There is no word yet on how long the next map will take to produce, but reportedly von Phalz will be more motivated to depict a Congress to which he belongs.

Choose good Congressmen across the board, America, and vote von Phalz in Missouri!

For those of you who are not regular readers of The Paladin's Honor, click here for some examples of what I'm talking about.