Party for Sale

Day 1,652, 11:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
It's tough to write an article that you really hate to write, but it's time to confirm something that is widely known amongst active circles. Let me first begin with outlining what the UKRP was, and why I was a member for more than three years. This will be a bit tl;dr, but I really don't care if you lack the attention span to read it.

I've spent more time on this game than I care to admit. Over the last four months or so, being that my personal life has developed into something much more time consuming, I don't know quite as many people as I used to, as the smart ones quit long ago, or were banned in their protest of what the administration has turned this game into. Rather than the Social game we all loved, they've made this a romperindividual game that works more on how fat your wallet is, going for quantity over quality.

You can pretty much remake this to fit whoever you'd like to include.

Way back when, when I first signed up for this game, frankly, it wasn't shit. It was a broad concept idea. The idea that you could run an entire country, whether that was through in game constructs or the meta game as it were, using outside forums, chat, or otherwise to create a world where everyone was judged on the same level.

I started where I currently live, in the United States, although back then there were probably no more than a few hundred active players world wide. Back then, we all worked together regardless of nationality (you didn't see any of this LOLSERBIACROATIA or GURGURGURLETSEATTURKEY nationalistic dispute. You had Swedes and Pakis working together developing military or battle strategy (even though in the forums and media you didn't see that). You had Indonesians working with Australians, even though they were conquered.

We developed this game to what it was meant to be, controlled by whoever could gather the larger amount of people. As the saying "The man with the gold rules" in real life means whoever has the most money, the saying in Erepublik would have been "whoever has the highest population". Back then it was Indonesia, Sweden, or Pakistan at different times.

However, in the United Kingdom, one person I worked with closely when I was the President of the United States was a guy named Kaleb. He was a forward thinker, and along with a united front of British people he formed a large part of the core of the United Kingdom Reform Party, born out of having an inactive President (and therefore no money access) for the first month of Presidential elections. He went on to be President several times over, and together (during his first terms I was Secretary of Defense of the US) we developed things like Cabinets, Banks, and so on.

He was quite fun to work with, and made spending time on this game enjoyable, along with a few others (like shadow, FD, and so on).

I had a lot of friends in the UK, many of which I made during my time in the US. When my time as President was over, I had decided to move on, and experience something "different" (even though it only really changed a few pixels on my screen), and move to the UK. At the time, Kaleb and most of the older UKRP members had gone, but I knew several such as Katie, Paddy, Funky, Jerry, and Rayf. It just made sense to join up with those that I was already friends with.

At the time, the PCP was in power, and had quite a few forward thinkers of their own. While I clashed with many of them on a fundamental level, the UKRP's main goal was working towards the betterment of the country, rather than the party. Rather than promoting party positions, we tried to promote ministry positions.

Over time, the party has gone through its ups and downs. Even people who seem to have gone apeshit insane later on, such as Mantle, Jhorlin (HEY, I'M NOT DEAD YET, AND MY QUALITY OF LIFE ISN'T SHIT), and so on made very solid contributions. Thomas and I had a great time during his last six months or so, and it was great to see the party get back to where it was when it was founded, and where it should be.

But, we are an older party. As with older parties (the PCP has seen this in many ways as well) who refuse to rebrand, change their name or otherwise do something entirely drastic and unnecessary (lolRFA), a lot of our "elders" are either dead in game, inactive, or play just enough to stay involved (HAI). We don't have the energy, drive, or motivation to stay playing 12 hours a day anymore like we used to. We still sport several ex-CP's, and many with pretty decent records both in country and within our alliances.

But, at the moment, it's time to say what everyone knows.

The United Kingdom Reform Party needs direction.

I'm not saying this because I want to be elected, or because I'm going to spend any more time on it. My ship has sailed. I'm OK with remembering the party for what it was to me, which was home. I'll never join another party in the UK (BIGANT, YOU CAN STOP TRYING TO RECRUIT ME NOW), and I probably won't in Erepublik unless they make some rather major changes.

But it needs new blood, and I read all the time about how people feel like "they can't make a difference at a young age".

So, if you're newer, and want to make a splash, you might consider it. I'm setting it up for sale right now. You can set your own policies, put your own work in, make friends, and essentially turn the UKRP (as long as you don't change the name, fgts) to what you want it to be, and truly have an impact on the game. You can back anyone for CP elections, run MPs and organise Congress (we hit almost 20 a while back, and TUP/ESO have done so as well so it's possible), and have an immediate impact on the political landscape of the United Kingdom (even if you don't spend your own money to tank, or do two hundred million damage daily).

I am the eldest remaining member of the UKRP, but you can be the most prominent member. Not tomorrow.


H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another (retired) Guy
