PANAM, Alliances and P-AM Leadership

Day 1,208, 02:26 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

It has been some time since I last wrote an article, life has been busy and I have been content to watch scandals come and go ( god hope we set up a reserve where elected officials can be trusted).

The breaking of Phoenix/Peace GC was largely done by two factors: A. Most primarily self disintegration. B. The betrayal of ePoland (I cannot call it other than that). It is sometimes said that age brings wisdom in a nation and the stupidity of ePolska may provide some proof for this. To ally with eHungary after the troubles before seems frankly absurd to my mind. They have essentialy joined the former Peace/Phoenix side. In this regard we must foster relations with all who can stop them.

In the break up of Phoenix we appear to have gained an ex Phoenix ally or 3: eBrazil, eFrance and eUK.

Firstly, this can only be good for eCanada as it finaly removes our eastern threat that started so long ago and much against my advice. We need now only worry about the eRussians, assuming that we can rely our new PANAM allies and old Brolliance friends.

Secondly, is this wise for the world? I believe not. To have an interest only in the Americas and western fringes of Europe is to ignore threats that will fin you if you don't deal with them first. PANAM and Eden should be ONE alliance, name matters not but our enemies will end up being the same, thus we are better under a single command. Face it a Romanian attack on eHungary will stop eHuns helping ePoland attack eUSA.

Thirdly I am very unhappy about jamesw as PANAM Commander. Whoever alowed this must be taken out and shot and I urge the MoFa to liase with his colleagues in PANAM to push for a re-vote. I will not abide by recent enemy telling us what to do - let them earn trust first. First Commander should be one of our or eUSA. I trust not this vote, nor do I trust yet eUK, who change sides again.

My words are spoken and you are warned,