Oops, you forgot something

Day 1,035, 21:28 Published in Poland Indonesia by psy_cho

Dear Poland

I am sure you are very proud of the achievement of your country at this time. Your country has the largest area today. Stretching from west to east so that wherever we go will see the Polish flag flying there ... Oops, you forgot one thing.

Distance and money is not a problem for you. You have nearly unlimited funds after you conquered WSR and the tribute from the small countries (like Peru). The problem is, do you have the BALLS to seize it? Do you dare to have the dream to conquer this land and strive to make those dreams come true?

But if you have to go through there then show you have more BALLS than the US.

US did not dare to attack our native region when they have Mindanao and Southern Thailand. Even with 4 active MPP against us.

We invite you to come over, we'd love to fill our landfills with the trash your soldiers are. Nothing would make us happier than seeing your armies strewn around the battlefields, our only regret is that we're going to have to drag their corpses away and throw them into a dumpster.

We will wait for you here, just come if you dare

How big Polandball