Of eIreland, For eIreland. With eIreland. With you.

Day 684, 21:54 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Before you click

If I may have one more moment of your time, I would like to talk to you about the Presidential elections tomorrow. Some of you will recognize much of the content of this letter as some of it is taken from a similar one right before the congressional elections. The main difference this time is that there is much more at stake. Some of you have already committed to other candidates and I respect your choice. But I would first like you to consider a few things.

I believe that eIreland is in pretty good shape. I think my boss has done a fine job. Fact is though I think that I can do it better. More important than that is what you think. I’ve not come before you to list my accolades or to cite where I believe things could have done better. Though I stand against my boss during this election, were I not running he would have my vote and plenty of lengthy support articles as well. I’m a team player. If I am not chosen by you tomorrow I’ll continue to do what I can to help my Boss (if you choose him) to strengthen this country and care for her. He and I have had the rare opportunity via PM to enjoy a positive and fruitful working relationship throughout this election. For that I am grateful and I salute his professionalism and his trust.

By this time you are probably either firmly for me or firmly for someone else. The loyal are not easily swayed and that is to be commended. For those of you undecided voters out there I would like you to ask yourselves some of the same questions I requested of you before the congressionals.

When making your choice, ask yourself;

What has Candidate X done for eIreland?
Not months ago, not long ago, but in my eLife, in my recent memory.
If you see and feel their dedication, if their motive is well intentioned and their Vision, though perhaps not your own, at least tangible and evident, measureable and based on fact, not conjecture then by all means Vote for them.

If you are asking yourself;

Who is this person?
Where have they been for so long?
What do they really stand for?
Have they put in the time, created relationships and helped the team or did they cobble together a couple of articles and assume their past would carry them?

Then I beg you to move on to one of the other men who wish to serve.

If you follow these simple questions to their end it should narrow the playing field a little for you. Whether you choose to stay the course or choose a fresh but equally dedicated perspective, choose the candidate who has put in the time with all of eIreland, for eIreland. With eIreland. With you.

Let us move eIreland forward once again. Thank you for your time.

Very Respectfully,

Colonel Donovan Thomas
Independent Candidate for the office of President of eIreland