Notes to the next MoFa...

Day 1,535, 08:15 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Sorry no pictures here; strictly business.

Within the Department

Could we PLEASE get this Department active again? As a Chucky Norris historical article I read recently said we used to have an MoFa Department and CSIS that was envied; that regularly formed the policy of the Government and was first in educating new citizens through the Ambassadorial programme. We also regularly published articles independant of the rest of the Administration explaining our talks and motives ( see and 'got involved' - even when it wasn't neccessarily 'our business'! I remember having a furious arguement with the then Head of Eden, Shoot, over support for eMalaysian independance (see my article at the time; It is important for MoFa Department as a unit not only to be the handmaiden of the President but to form an opinion of it's own and argue it within the Administration.

To do this you need Ambassadors who are regular contact with allied Governments. Newer players are idealy suited for these missions and can learn much from the experience and guidance of the MoFa. The best of them can then be moved up the Department echelons. Indeed in the 'golden days' of eCanadian Diplomacy the next MoFa after an election was almost chosen from within the Department simply because they had the experience and tutelage (and normaly support) of the previous holders of the post. This is the start of a true civil service and that in itself is highly valuable; dedicated professionals, specialists in their area, serving any eCanadian Government. We used to do Ambassador recruitment articles...

I also believe that the 'undercover operations' as used to be run by CSIS were invaluable in our training of newer players and helping us form an accurate picture of intentions and events. After so long I presume I can now admit to myself having been a part in various matters of this nature: I joined eUKs MI6 while eUK was still a member of Atlantis. When eUK became traitors (including disbanding eMI6 where we all were pro-Atlantis/Eden) I went to eRussia and became MoFa there during the Peace invasion of N.America. I was thus able to tell eCanada and eUSA where would be attacked next and inform on Peace squabbles etc. It was very amusing at the time... My point is that it works. I cannot see why it shouldn't work again and I commend Octavians 'wish' to bring back CSIS if elected; "I want to bring back the CSIS". At least CSIS wasn't closed on the grounds of being 'treasonous' as happened in eUK (though they were probably right).


Having played a major part in the rout of ONE from eUSA and Western Europe I find it troubling that eCanada has not benefited more from resources. I think our allies owe us some favours and would advise the next MoFa to call them in.

As I have explained in previous article eUSA and eCanada are, at present, limited in our ability to help our allies in Central and Eastern Europe. Whether this is by chance or by design I don't know but is not wise for them or us. To have an eCanadian and eUSA presence in the battles now underway would have enourmous advantages to our allies: we fight while they sleep and we have another innitiave. eCanadian diplomacy should, in my opinion, aim currently at getting us into eGermany where we can link with our eGerman and eRussian allies and help stop any future ePolish advances west.

Alliances and eCanadas Unique Position

We are members of Eden and Terra. In formulating policy and in influencing it this gives us a unique opportunity to both set agendas, hold joint conferences, create a Joint Command Policy... The possibilities are nearly limitless. In this regard we should always have an eye on our own interests, but largely speaking our interests combine with both alliances and resources are one country to another discussion. The next MoFa should make a point of bringing together the Eden and Terra Commands and setting the agenda! Yes, yes I am sure the SCs of Eden and Terra already chat either formaly or informaly: If they speak formaly create and host an IRC room where they can discuss informaly. If they chat informaly then lets get it formal! The point is not so much strategic or important for wars etc (except if they don't communicate at all) but to show Diplomatic leadership and to put yourself in a better position to argue eCanadas point.

For those who question my authority to address such a topic I was previously MoFa 13 times in 4 countries, VP twice in eCanada and the last loyal President of eUK.

P.S. Could you please be eCanadian?