Notes From the Battlefield [Fiction]

Day 763, 00:12 Published in South Korea Japan by Donovan Thomas
Coffee at the pad

The only thing worse than a lull in war is a Multi Hunt. Though it’s a necessary evil, it’s boring… I take no pleasure in it. Well, perhaps a little when the hollow point strikes the cranium of the target eliciting that cracking melon sound, the smell of gunpowder and the thump of a body hitting the deck. But I digress.

I was at the new Incheon-Hai pad counting gold and admiring my arsenal when I got the call on the so far silent SATCOM secure line.

[Name Redacted]: Donovan, you said you wanted more to do.
[Donovan]: Aye, that I did…
[Name Redacted]: Now’s your chance. Pick a team from ETA Force, cancel two multis identified in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Report to FM Vegaicm in the event the Op goes south. He and his team will extract.
[Donovan]: My Respects to Vega, It wont go south. But I’ll keep that in mind. I have OpCon?
[Name Redacted]: You are a Demi-god for the day. SLIA.
[Donovan]: Silent Leges Inter Arma! [click]

My coffee had gone cold during the conversation but my heart grown warm. I would get to use my skills for the glory of Theocracy. Perhaps the Dio’s would notice?

[Cut to 30k Ft. over Yeongju]

Yes. I know. We could have driven. But a HALO (High Altitude/Low Opening) jump is so much more fun; I mean, haul ass in a Kia weighted down with weps or jump out of a perfectly good C-130? Yeah, I thought so…

The Target was a small apartment over a massage parlor in Yeongju proper. The parlor below might prove a challenge as it was run by a small time mafia crew that kept the local aluminum plant workers happily loose. Not a challenge really, just more bodies to ghost.

We vectored in on the roof. Radio silence was the rule. There was no need to talk unless an anomaly entered the mission spec. They always do.

[Pulekk]: DT, hooker on the roof smoking a cig
[Donovan]: Wait until near touchdown. Then tranq her. Otherwise let her finish her butt.
[Pulekk]: Roger.

Pulekk Naked

(There are advantages to having a battle hardened Cyborg Field Marshall on your team, one of them is Dial-A-Gun)

The plan was simple. Camy would land in the Street and take the lobby. Pulekk and I would secure the roof and I would make my way in to delete the two multi-f%$^s that were currently “loosening” up inside. We pulled chutes at 2k ft and circled down like a lotus blossom of extreme death and discontinuity. Camy fell a mere three seconds longer than we and I was pleased to see her slide up the ally missing the shopao cart and bursting right through the door like the angel of death she was. Two pops and I new she had the lobby. Mamasan would be pissed (if she lived.)

Back to Business…

[Pulekk]: Ho’s done. Going inside.
[Donovan]: Aye. Touchdown in five, four, three, two...

We hit the roof like two gossamer demons (which is a challenge for a large metal man like P, he’s a professional if I ever met one) and I made my way inside knowing my back was covered. I pie’d the stairs and took them three at a time. Two young ladies would have bumps on their heads in the morning for having the poor luck of taking their breaks in the calm of the stairwell. My infrared told me there was a quickly moving portly body on top of a smaller (bored) still one in the room in front of me; he could wait. It also told me that in the next room were two bodies as well; a smaller person in a head lock and a slightly larger person sitting on the bed aiming cold steel at the door. Amateurs think the threat comes via the door… *sigh* Untrained fools and the fatal funnel...

In the end it almost isn’t worth the telling. My 7.62mm full metal jacketed round easily breached the thin drywall next to the door to cancel Target One (sitting on the bed, pants around ankles, and before you ask, I save the sabot rounds for up close and personal). I took more time with Target Two. I had the pleasure of lifting him off the bed by his hair in mid coitus.

[Donovan]: Know me?
[Multi 2]: No, Theo scum.
[Donovan]: I’m God’s hand. Say hello for me in 지옥.

We gave Camy the stand down order. I can’t believe she didn’t backhand Mamasan with all the clucking she was putting forth; "My couch, My Girls, My Clients etc... Pulekk came down to my side and surveyed the scene.

[Puleckk]: You didn’t let him finish? You’re a mean one DT. That's just dirty...
[Donovan]: Aye, I am.
[Pulekk]: Mind if I finish?
[Donovan]: No! I mean,Yes! I mind! I don’t want to see Dial-A-D*&k!”

I almost forgot about the “masseuse” on the bed. She sat up and with an incredible amount of class and aplomb (no, she did not cover up or scream) she said;

“You are Theocrats?”

“Yes” I said.

“You know the Dio’s?

“Yes, we have that Honor.” I said.

“Hail Theocracy. Silent Leger Inta Arma?”

“Hail. Close enough honey. Now put those things away and go back to school.”

Camy's Preschool Pic

[Donovan]: Ok Camy, me and The Terminator Love Machine are coming downstairs. Don’t Shoot love. Drinks on me.
[Camy]: You better buy the first round DT! I only got two kills! You told me the lobby would be full!
[Pulekk]: I didn’t get any! Just sat on the roof listening to my servos hum! And DT wouldn't let me exact Tribute!
[Donovan]: Dio Damnit! Relax! Sorry, slow night. I got the first round, hell, I got the whole tab… besides, you never know. There might be Sony Execs at the bar… Free Pass. But if Reiji is there, he’s mine… I'm soft on him...