News to Know: Company Upgrades, Missions and Shortcuts

Day 1,225, 09:00 Published in India Netherlands by rainy sunday

Company Upgrades, Missions and Shortcuts! OH MY!
Day 1,225 - Mar29

You've likely heard the buzz in shouts, international media and irc but if you're just joining us be sure to check out these articles with detailed coverage of the latest game developments. Take note, new missions and company upgrade opportunities are time sensitive so don't delay.

Must Read! Unlimited Company Upgrades -

Company upgrades promo, new missions - Need to know details! The Southern Telegraph, Mikhail Alexander

Day 1225 - New missions available B-Laboratory, elbanderas82

New stuff in the eRepublik eWorld Trade Centar, dSoKre

NEW SHORTCUTS! awesome! Soul On Fire, Ghostbiker

Update: An Analysis of the New Changes

psst...Don't forget to subscribe!

Just so you know - This makes me exceptionally happy!

Other good sources for information about game changes and updates in general:
Wiki Bar
Official announcements from Plato, the eRepublik Governor

In Other News: This made me laugh.
eRepLeaks: Staff Members The High Times, Sztandarowy

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Contact Internal Affairs India and request assistance.
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*Stay tuned, more to come.
