New President - New Opportunities

Day 1,051, 17:31 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

6 October 2010, Day 1,051 of the New World. Israel is a land of close Presidential elections. In May the office was decided by two votes – among the narrowest margins in the history of the New World. This month’s race was decided by just seven votes with Gavin Wax coming out on top. One of his campaign platforms, made explicit in his manifesto, was the creation of a new, national forum. That has since come to fruition.

A functional, active forum is often the cornerstone of a vibrant nation. While the level of activity on our channel, #erepublik-israel, has increased in recent months, its regular group represents a small fraction of our country’s population. We need a place where all our citizens can engage in public discourse, where our elected representatives of the Knesset can deliberate, and where our ministers can coordinate. In short, the country needs a focal point.

Our Knesset is beginning to trickle over to the new forums, as are the newly-appointed ministers. Six new accounts have been created today already in addition to six created yesterday. The forum also has a section set aside for the Israel Defense Forces, and parties may be eligible for subboards.

To make these new forums work, we need the support of our citizens. I encourage all our citizens, Knesset members, soldiers, ambassadors, and even foreigners if they are so inclined, to register for this new beginning.

Rheinlander von Phalz
Israel’s Minister of Finance