New Citizens need not Worry

Day 284, 13:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
To all new citizens:

Here are a few things you need to know:

First, when looking for a new job, we have what's called the [a url=]Department of Work[/a], which is an agency that will find you a job. All inquiries should be done through the DoW, which is run by CBall and CheeseBall (unless I am mistaken).

Someone will then in turn send you a Job Proposal, and there you go. You'll now join the ranks of the finest workforce in the world.

Onto the second point, forums. You may ask yourself (or anyone else), why is it important for me to join the external UK forums? It's simple. If you want to get involved in anything ranging from the military, politics, or just get to know your eCountrymen and women. You can join the [a url=]UK National Forums[/a], and get involved in things such as Ambassadorships, and Party ideals. If you ever plan on being a Mayor, Congressperson, or otherwise, the forums are absolutely necessary.

And thirdly, express yourself! A newspaper is free to create, and is a good way to get heard. The only thing you'll be asked is that it's related to Erepublik, and thought out. So long as it took a little thought and effort to write, then you should be met with good reviews. We also have a news section in the forums, since the media page bumps articles rather quickly.

So, welcome to the UK. If there's anything I can do to help you get involved, please let me know. I have an absolute open door policy, and always have. If you'd like to send me a Friendship request, then I'd welcome it!

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you on the forums!

UKRP President