nCPF Foreign Policy Debate

Day 1,478, 04:28 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

nCPF: Putting Your Future in Your Hands!

As our Party President Funky Hum24n announced 5-6 days ago "On December 7th I, with the rest of the nCPF present, will be hosting a debate at #eCan on Wedneday at 16:00 eRep time on the direction of eCanada's foreign policy."

We at the nCPF want to challenge YOU to come up with a future policy: It's YOUR country after all! ALL are invited to attend or can leave suggestions and ideas below. NO idea is off limits!


A. Should eCnada join ONE? If so why? What would be the implications?

B. Should eCanada call a truce in the war with ePoland? Why? Perhaps we should concentrate more on getting our full set of resources? Again, what would be the implications?

C. Perhaps eCanada should resume the war with eUK? Or maybe attack ePoland in eFrance? Possible re-open the idea of Asian conquests?

D. What of Alliances? A recent Poll suggested most wished to remain as members of Eden and Terra but Addy Lawrence has has a idea about a 'New Brolliance'? Is this a good idea? Why is it/isn't it?

These are merely suggestions but the debate is YOURS! It is YOUR eCanada and therefore YOUR ideas that matter!

Leave a comment; attend the debate or post a comment in our Party Forums here:

The nCPF: Putting Your Future in Your Hands!

(Two articles in day! On strike now!)