My Vice President - a true Patriot

Day 1,534, 20:22 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Alright so I made my announcement to run as CP, next up is who have, I chosen to be my VP. There are so many upstanding citizens and fully capable ones. The thing is for me the VP is a very important position and needs to be someone with a huge character as I am not looking for someone to sit in the shadows but someone to sharpen me as I sharpen them.

Wilpanzer is an upstanding citizen always concerned about the other. One just needs to look at how he has actually influenced the game from may 2011. What we have is a true patriot of the community and someone who is active and involved amongst the low level players and is constantly helping all as he progresses slowly through the game.

He also has made significant advances in party politics first in IA and later joining me to bring changes to UP. An avert congressman serving in numerous congress terms adding his voice to many discussions along the way and impacting the community through his chosen words.

I believe that someone should choose a person to be VP and it should be someone who you believe is more capable then yourself.

Well that is what I believe Wilpanzer is more than capable to do anything he decides to do. Be aware that we have worked a lot together and will be able to do a lot because we know each other’s strengths as well as our weaknesses. Just ask the people who worked in the MoDA under mine and Wilpanzer’s terms and they will tell you that this revolution will change us all…

To Wilpanzer it is an honour to have you stand with me as we run in this election. We spoke a couple months ago about it and I would not be doing this if you did not stand with me. Here we go!

Remember VOTE for the revolution, VOTE for Enriche2Ribeiro, VOTE for change, VOTE for Wilpanzer1

Thanks Ricky
Your future President
VOTE Enriche2Ribeiro 5 FEB 2012