My Plans for Eindia as Congress

Day 3,416, 23:07 Published in India India by MR K.D

Thanks to all eindias success in March congress elections. We finished 3 rd in Congress Election & received 17.24% with 5 votes compared to 11.11% votes & 3 votes in Feb Congress Elections .
I predict INC to finish 2 nd in May Congress Election.
Yuuva & Democratic Party better watchout for INC.
INC is in good hands with Puji as Vice President of INC & Skeleton Baba at helm of things.

INC is also set to have its Prez Election Candidate .
INC is getting bigger with every election .Meanwhile staring down at my last term as congress .i got some suprises for newbiws & anyone who fights for eindias.

What are my plans as congress???

Any newbie who fights in rw will get free food/energy
i am offering free gold/energy/food to anyone who joins eindia
It is already started & lot of newbies were helped
Asking my my erepublik friends to Donate Gold for eindias.
I will donate all my gold &Good to Inc &eindias or if
I will be writing educational articles
For newbies
I am in process of starting a mentoring program for newbIes

Hoping for ur coordination & cooperation.
