My letter to the President and Congress regarding the Indonesia Peace Proposal

Day 842, 05:50 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

This is a copy of the letter that I sent to Elynea and all members of Congress. If I missed someone, my apologies.

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There is currently a vote being called for a peace between Belgium and Indonesia.

The only reason that we have an open war with them is because Indonesia attacked Malaysia, and Malaysia is our ally so that we can participate in the SOL Training War.

While I want Belgium to be neutral, I must point out that if we sign peace with Indonesia, we will not be able to help defend Malaysia if Indonesia starts its offensive again.

If Indonesia starts its offensive, odds are likely that there will be no Training War battles for us to participate in. Worse case, if Indonesia eliminates Malaysia, there will be no training war and our alliance with them is lost.

Signing peace at this point is unwise and puts Belgium's investment in the Training War at risk.

If Indonesia wants peace with us, they should first make peace with Malaysia.

I ask you to consider this before voting. Vote NO at this time. We should push Indonesia to sign peace with Malaysia and secure our investment in the SOL training war. We do not want to have no battles for our citizens to participate in.

Please vote NO.

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I urge all eBelgians who are actually living in eBelgium to contact the Congress and let them know that how you feel regarding this proposal.

Peace is fine, but it should not come at risk to Belgium's investment or its allies.

Peace with Malaysia THEN peace with Belgium.