My first speech (be gental)

Day 2,085, 16:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Comrades, today I talk to you about my candidacy in the party president elections. I am nothing special and I don’t intend to persuade you that I am. I see people among us who are born leaders, these people inspire and teach others in a way that many of us can only dream of having the ability. This is why I feel such appreciation and gratitude to everyone for allowing me (of all people) to contest for the paramount spot in the PCP.

Unlike many in politics, I am just a boy. I can’t read you the entire works of Marx nor do I possess the characteristics of a natural born leader, BUT, what I do have is the mind and soul of a true Socialist. A TRUE SOCIALIST who knows that the weak need protecting, A TRUE SOCIALIST who fights for his comrades no matter how arduous the task, A TRUE SOCIALIST who will do whatever it takes to do the right thing even if it is something small like a fun competition or being there to answer new players questions.

People sit where I am sitting and neglect the new players. They bribe them with gold and lure them with fake promises of power. This is wrong. We must appreciate and teach these new players everything we know because one day they will run the country and will decide how the game shall be played. We need to encourage work and reward those who take the initiative. We need to allow them to grow their ideologies and let them make their own destiny instead of locking them in our party. Please remember that we were all young once, and erepublik is not a game if it is not played without people we relate to.

I would like to talk about congress. Many parties use congress to control the government and get their small ideas into it. Sometimes if they fail this route they will whine and impeach, even if the President is the best thing to happen to the UK. This is wrong! We will not be put under this title of Power hungry. We believe in equality and the right to a fair government, then let us spread this message, not by showing off or criticising others but by showing others what being Communist is all about. Many also put their new players into congress in the hope that a month of intense work will make them into super politicians. This will not work. Congress is a big thing to the entire nation and if we neglect it with inexperienced players then we are failing the very thing we strive to improve. Give some new members a chance but don’t over do this or we will be responsible for the destruction of the active and strong UK congress.

Finally, I would like to talk about the things that will define my position if I do become the Party president. I will not take any other position of power whilst I am PP, nor will I criticise any other who decides to. I will maintain the games we have now, and try to provide new ideas including skype podcasts/meetings and other multiplayer games. I will delegate to others the work that takes up more important tasks that I need to do, but I will not overuse this to become lazy nor will I force anyone to do anything they don’t have time with. And finally, I will try maintain our progression to the top 5 ranking, and if I fail I will take full responsibility for it.

Thank you for listening comrades and remember success is not an apple that falls when it is ripe, we must make it fall.