My Confidence in Chocolate McSkittles

Day 921, 16:28 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
UPDATE: Here's Chocolate McSkittles' platform.

It wasn't that long ago I vowed never to run for Vice President again. Despite my long career in politics, I've never been comfortable with the negative campaigning and mudslinging that happens in Presidential elections, and the month where I was Woxan's Vice Presidential pick got a bit ugly at times. After Woxan lost, I told myself, "never again", and have rejected a couple different requests to be someone's VP since then.

Then came Chocolate McSkittles. When your best friend in this game asks you to do something, you do it.

I was so excited when Choc told me he wanted to run for President, I would've supported him regardless of his VP pick or who his opponent was. I'm not running for Vice President because I want to be Vice President. I'm running because I want to help this country fulfill its potential and do whatever I can to help Chocolate McSkittles be the best President he can.

Choc and I go way back. I ran the USA Welcoming Committee by myself for several months, it was my baby. When I finally saw the need to ask for help, Chocolate McSkittles was the first person I asked, and he took the USA Welcoming Committee to the next level.

Weapons distributions there would not have started without Choc. The Welcoming Committee-owned companies (which helped newbs) wouldn't have started without him. Fort Harlot (then our skill zero job hub) would've suffered without Choc.

We've become best friends in this game since then and spend long nights on IRC talking about the game. I've run any idea for projects I've had by him, and he's done the same with me.

Something else to remember: Chocolate McSkittles is the most qualified candidate in this race. Not only has he been involved with every domestic program, Choc was the Vice President this month, meaning he knows what went on during every major decision and discussion in this country. He has the experience and will make the most seamless transition to the Presidency.

Vote Chocolate McSkittles. He's the right person to lead America.