My 2nd Congress candidature

Day 1,128, 14:49 Published in Singapore Croatia by Grof Dubrovnik

Article about my previous congress candidature here

Whats change from last time?

- eSingapore economy is better, when i came here gurus work for 2.5 sgd
- I have 4 active company in eSingapore
- We have war and stronger miltary
- i'm still to much active xd and had lot ideas
- and this rare good admin change

Employee's location

You are no longer limited by your working place when you want
to change your location in order to travel in other countries. (this also applies
to congress members and presidents).

We need congress section on new forum and discuss every new law proposal.
Decide to candidate as a member of Birthday Party this time.

Tommorow is very important battle for eSingapore. Be ready!!

I know my english is stil perfect xD