Modification we desire – Modificari pe care ni le dorim: Diplomacy

Day 1,389, 07:25 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by alllex85

Articol republicat la rugamintea unui prieten...

Varianta romana este mai jos/ Romanian text is below

I know there were several requests that were not followed, but I am an optimist and due to the recent changes to the Military Units, maybe the admins are more open to some other changes. Here are a few that I dream of:

1 Merger
I would like to have the actual diplomacy option extended. For example it would be nice if 2 countries which share a common border to be able to merge for a limited period (3 months, 6 months, what ever) by decision of 2/3 of the voters. I am sure that Romania could merge with Republic Moldova, that Hungary and Austria have a lot in common in the history and could form a functional unit also in eRepublik. This would allow for smaller and weaker countries to be able to withstand on the map and enjoy multiple bonuses. For example citizens of Moldova would have also the iron bonus that Romania has at the moment.

2. Confederation
I dream also to be able to have stronger ties to our best allies, eCroatia. Confederation would be decided exactly like the actual MPP’s, cost more then a MPP and as a bonus would allow the confederates to fight in each other RW’s, or to share ½ of the production bonus when one of the confederates is erased from the map. Other benefits could be added also (other suggestions are appreciated), I would just want to see CROmania on the map for real, and I am sure that other countries would like to have their best allies as confederates too.

3. Alliances
Alliances like EDEN, ONE and TERRA should be a game feature, visible on the map and with the benefits of the actual MPP’s. For newer players its hard at the beginning when you hear so much of EDEN and ONE but you don’t know for sure who’s who. It would be easier to add in Community a new button called Alliances, where you could see all of them. Entering into an alliance should be made with the agreement of the founders, or more easy, you allow the cofounders (max. 5, lets say) to make their own rules, from a 2-3 option list.

If you agree with those modifications please vote and shout. Thank you also if you publish this article in your country in English and/or your native tongue.

Pe romaneste 

Au fost mai multe articole excelente despre schimbari dorite care n-au fost bagate in seama de admini, dar, ca un optimist ce sunt, si in urma modificarilor recente aduse UM-urilor, poate ca administratia va fi dispusa sa umble nitel si la diplomatie. Visez cu ochii deschisi dupa urmatoarele lucruri:

1. Unirea
As dori sa fie posibil ca doua tari sa se poata uni pentru o perioada limitata de timp (3 luni, 6 luni, etc), eventual prin decizia a 2/3 din votanti. Sunt sigur ca de exemplu Romania ar putea sa se uneasca cu Republica Moldova, ca Ungaria si Austria au multe in comun datorita istoriei reale si ar putea forma din nou aceasi tara, etc. Acest lucru ar permite tarilor mici sa reziste mai usor pe harta si sa beneficieze de mai multe bonusuri la productie. De exemplu cetatenii moldoveni ar putea sa beneficienze de bonusul la fier al Romaniei.

2. Confederatia
Visez iarasi sa avem legaturi mai puternice cu cei mai buni aliati, croatii. Confederatia ar fi decisa exact ca actualul sistem de MPP-uri, ar costa mai mult, si ar permite ca beneficiu sa poti lupta direct in RW-urile confederatului tau. Eventual ca si bonus ar putea fi adaugat sa beneficiezi de ½ din bonusul confederatului in caz de stergere. Ar mai putea exista si alte beneficii, la voia stapanirii (apreciez sugestii). Asa am putea sa vedem in mod real CROmania pe harta, si sunt sigur ca exista si alte tari care au legaturi la fel de puternice si ar fi dornice sa si le oficializeze.

3. Aliante
Aliantele din joc, ca EDEN, ONE sau TERRA ar trebuie sa fie implementate in joc, vizibile pe harta si cu functiile sistemului MPP actual. Pentru jucatorii noi este destul de greu la inceput cand auzi atat despre ONE si EDEN, dar nu gasesti nicaieri informatii complete despre cine este care. Ar fi usor sa se adauge un buton nou in Community intitulat Aliante, unde le-ai putea vedea afisate. Intrarea intr-o alianta s-ar face cu acordul fondatorilor sau si mai simplu ii lasi pe cofondatori (maxim 5 sa zicem) sa si le fixeze singuri, dintr-o lista de 2-3 optiuni.

Daca ideile de mai sus vi se par bune dati va rog vote si shout, iar cine poate sa le publice in alta tara (mai ales Moldova) este rugat sa o faca. Nu e nevoie de abonare