MoD Release: WARGAMES!!!!!!

Day 689, 12:39 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

WARGAMES are on!!!!!

Fight HERE

Move to Northeast of Ireland Q5 Hospital there.

Stop fighting when you reach 50-60 wellness

When you are between 50 and 60 wellness, go to Northeast of Ireland page and click the heal button. You will only be able to heal after you have fought at least once. If you fight down to 30 wellness then you are in big trouble and a personal slap from me !

If you are lower than 50 wellness already, fight only once
Fight once, then use the hospital. The next day you will have the high wellness you need to fight.

Follow this routine every day:
Train > Fight down to 50-60 wellness > Use hospital > Work



Divisional Assignments and CO appointments within Two Days


Colonel Donovan Thomas
Minister of Defence