MoD Note: Turnover

Day 704, 08:55 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

  The Fact of the Matter

Based an recent increased RL work load commitments and impending RL travel I do not feel that I can continue to execute my duties as MoD to the full extent which they deserve.

President Patton has accepted my resignation. I am in the process of turning over duties to Chief of Staff Conor Larkin. This turnover will be complete by 0001 Monday October 26.

Based on these reasons I will also not be running for congress nor seeking the office of CP. I wish to thank all who have inquired as to my intentions and offered their support. I will be forced into a level of decreased activity and may also be unable to access other than by mobile for up to three weeks over the next two months. I must also resign my ambassadorships. 

In the last 24 days we at the DoD have brought the IDF to a current strength of 146. We have set her up in 8 divisions with the SPECIAL WARFARE Tanking Division and 3rd Rangers ready to deploy on a 12hr alert if needed. We have established a self updating API which all makes administering the IDF all the more efficient.

We have set up Boot Camp to train reservists and our Commanding Officers and Executive Officers have done a superb job rallying their troops.

I would like to specifically recognize the following personnel for their outstanding efforts. Their dedication and professionalism were the linchpin of our recent success.

For Outstanding Leadership and support;

Chief of Staff Colonel Conor Larkin
CO 3rd Division Rangers General Edfluff
CO Home Guard Colonel Kit Fisto

A congratulations goes to all current CO's. Well done and thank you.

For outstanding Technical Support
Field Marshal Michael Collins (eUK) for providing the API and working out the bugs.

I have passed on my recommendations for Minister of Defence to the President. Thank you for your time and your support. During the next two months I will contribute in the media where I can. You may see me abroad often maximizing my fighting. I will continue to administer my companies and provide jobs for my employees. Digits has been kind enough to take over the G-IRISH campaign.

Thank you to all who have made the last two months as interesting and successful as possible. Those who need to contact me for official reasons already have my email address.

For those of my friends that my be shocked by this, I apologize for not contacting your personally. I am but a PM away.

It has been my honor to serve you.

Very Respectfully,

Donovan Thomas