Ministry Update 10/9/2008

Day 324, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Just to give an update on what's going on with me and the Department of Trade:

Department of Trade

For those who havent seen, we are having our final Raw Materials update this Saturday, October the 11th. I would ask all GM's intending to go into Raw Materials please attend. You can find the time and place on the forums. Anyone not invited will be kicked from the room (ie anyone without permission to hear the information).

The plan is going through it's final stages as we speak, and will be finalized completely so we can be prepared.

Apprentice Training for the DoT

A few days ago I finished my manual on working within the DoT, and the Apprentices should have a fairly decent grasp on what we do.

My current Apprentices are:

Funky44 (2nd term)

My intentions for the month are to split the world into quadrants, and have one Apprentice monitor each. That way we can see opportunity from all over the world when it happens, and be prepared to take advantage of it.

Department of Education

I've submitted a partial curriculum for the Economic sections for our Uni, and should be finishing them sometime this week to include the other types of economic systems (that I don't cover in training for Apprentices). Hopefully I can have those done and turned in to the MoE (Stan Wephen) by then, and he can figure out what he does and does not like for revision.

Aurum Corp Hiring

For anyone looking for a job, Aurum Corp is still hiring. We are emphasizing skill sets for Food, Hospitals, and Housing at the moment. If you want a job, please PM the S-K Corp, and they will send a proposal quick-like.

RHIP? (Editorial)

Now, here's my rant.

Most of us see the responsibility structure from the top down. We've all (or at least most of us) had a boss that didnt do anything, sat in his (or her) office, made everyone do their work and took all the credit. We see the structure of responsibility as a triangle sitting flat on it's base with the tip pointed up being the boss, leader, representative, however you want to refer to him (once again, or her).

But a good leader, in my opinion leads from the bottom up, not the top down. A good leader, in all reality, has the weight of the triangle (or all of the responsibility, if you aren't good at processing metaphors) on his shoulders because ultimately it's his decision to make. It's his job to motivate people to want to succeed, it's his position to take blame for the wrongs that need righted. As we all complain and moan and groan about what we do or dont do, remember that it's different when you actual fill the shoes of a leader. It's not a walk in the park.

And one more thing: If I dont make it to sending you a PM back, please dont be insulted. It's just hard to get to everyone that would like help.

After the meeting Saturday, I'll be releasing a list of names (and just names) of companies that I know are opening in V1 for the UK. Inevitably, I will have missed one of you (or more). Please send me a PM or comment in the article I write, and I'll add you.


Minister of Trade
Board of Education