Ministerial Appointments and Other News

Day 355, 15:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

First off, I would like to say that the eUK Community has suffered a major blow this weekend with the retirement of Hassan Pesaran, the Party President of The Unity Party and Minister of Information. He has been an extremely valuable contributor to the eUK in his time here, and we hope that he can get back to his level of commitment some time in the future. He will always be welcomed in any aspect he can manage, and we wish him the best.

While we're all no doubt suffering from the hangover that was the disappointment of the first battle in Indonesia, we must congratulate our opponents on a battle well fought. While, for the time being we've decided to reform and regroup, we all know that at some point in the future, whether it be six months or six days, we shall revisit the issue of a Free Australia further down the road.

Still, there are domestic affairs to be handled.

I would like to thank the many applicants who applied for Ministries and Apprenticeships. I am going to announce my cabinet position by position (hopefully not forgetting anyone this time), and ensure that the eUK Government never truly sleeps. We only take a breather every now and then so you can rest easy knowing we're all hard at work.

So, without further ado:

Vice President - Undecided

I have been pondering this for some time, and I feel that with the current Ministers being unset (not to mention the possible implementation of several proposals over the next few days including the House of Lords, Small Business Association, and two seperate Ministries that have been brought up, we're going to be better served by applying all our available human resources to those positions. It has been said that I am overly eccentric when it comes to Government activity, whilst this may be partly true I am more of a Micro Manager than anyone you're probably used to. In this capacity, I will say that should something happen to me, I would like to nominate Final Destiny, the second highest vote getter remaining in the eUK Community from the last elections to replace me should something happen, but that's highly doubtful and in my opinion hardly necessary. The Vice President's duty is mainly to run the country while the President is away, and for the foreseeable future, that won't happen. I'm not going anywhere.

Minister of Defence - Deilos

So long as you spell his name correctly, Deilos has proven his merits time and again, and I have full confidence in him. I would like to set one ground rule straight away:

-So long as it does not require funding (which Deilos would have to ask me and propose to Commons), Deilos has full command and authority over the eUK Military. Whether I am around or not, the orders for the Military, it's structure and size, as well as funding run through him.

His UnderSecretary is going to be Funky44, who has served the role well and shall continue to do so. Deilos can take apprentices (as many as he sees fit) on to lighten his workload, and I'm sure under his watchful eye our Military shall prosper, just like it did under the Command of Widdows.

Minister of Work - Keiratour

I had a few different applications, including one from a former MoW for this position. I would like to reiterate something regarding the MoW: There will be a lot expected from this position. With it's new founded responsibilities in the SBA (which is currently passing through the Commons), and the addition of the weekly domestic reports on our own markets (to distinguish between the MoW and MoT), this position will be highly critical to the success of the eUK economy. I wish Keiratour luck, and would like to extend to CBall the opportunity to be the UMoW should he accept.

Minister of Finance - Rayf Drayson

Rayf has been the Minister of Finance for about three weeks now, taking over in the interim and has done well in regulating our currency. I would like to extend the invitation to continue to do so. Rayf has been a valuable member of the eUK since his arrival, is extremely intelligent, and can provide with lots of insight. His term as the Minister of Finance will prove to keep a steady supply of GBP on the market at reasonable rates while increasing our treasury through market expansion.

If Rayf chooses to accept, he can pick his own UM or Apprentice (which KBoomer was this past term, and is more than welcome to continue if Rayf is accepting).

Minister of Trade - Final Destiny

Final Destiny, a former President of the eUK and Minister of Trade in Ireland when he returned to his natural home, and is well known and respected all around the world. He shall bring the following to this position:

-A cool head while analyzing and making decisions representing the eUK in terms of trade and economics.
-Opportunities to improve our relations with our neighbors, the Irish.
-A well rounded voice in many different aspects of the eUK.

FD is welcome to choose his own UM and Apprentices, as he sees fit. The Apprentices from last term, which included Funky, lotfire, Fionn, and Pagan did well enough, and can reapply if they'd like. My training Googledoc should still be available if FD wants access to it.

Minister of Education - Stan Wephen

As it was said during the election, Stan is one of the more likeable characters in the eUK and well respected for his opinions and suggestions. He has accomplished a bit here, and his major undertaking, which including the founding of this Ministry, will be his shining moment should it come to fruition. This Ministry is still under construction, you could say, with Stan being the only full timer that I'm aware of, and is needing more. We're currently working on some kind of compensation system, which could be monetary, housing awards, or some other kind to try and promote activity. I'd like to see a few more old timers get involved in the aspects of the Uni, to try and get it off the ground.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Squiddy

Squiddy was Tim's UM last term, and has represented the UK well in his time in the Foreign Affairs department. He is our FA advisor for Atlantis as well, and I look forward to his input regarding those things. I shall direct any foreign attentions to go to him, as he will be our first contact for any nation wishing to establish an embassy or relations with the UK.

Squiddy is free to choose his own UM or Apprentices.

Ministry of Health - JerryGFL

This has been somewhat my cross to bear over the last few months. Once we found out that Mayors were going to be removed in V1 (and recently they introduced the election of Regional Congress, which may work as implementation but we'll have to see), this proposal was initially mine as a replacement at least for the gifting responsibilities Mayors carried. Since it's approval, it has become stagnant for a couple of reasons.

First, this is a uber-tedious job, which in my opinion is unrivaled in that department. This job takes time and effort. I have asked in an amendment to offer a small wage as compensation for Regional Directors of the NHS. Anyone out there looking to improve their quality of life, I'm pleading for help.

Second, they removed some of the search and filter functions in V1 including the ability to tell work activity for people, which was one of the primary requirements in the gifting program. This only made the job harder. There was a proposal by CreveRoeland to create regional organizations and allow people to either friend or shout (which in this case you'd actually have to do both) when they need gifts, so long as they live in that region. While this is not the most viable option, I believe it to be the best course, or at least the best start to improving the NHS.

And Third, there was a proposal by FD in his campaign for Presidency which had some merit, in my opinion. He proposed to gift through employers, seeing as they can still see the productivity of the employees and attendence and the whole thing. This would remove the "regional" aspect of it, but might work as a supplement. I think it's too hard to try and introduce on a national level, but may very well work as a supplement through the Ministry of Work as a program to improve things.

In this regard, Jerry has his work cut out for him. He served well as the Vice President last term, but I am asking that this term we focus all his energies on this aspect of his duties. Jerry is an extremely capable and intelligent individual who has done great things for the UK in his time, and I'm sure he can take the NHS to the next level. This is our Goliath, and Jerry may very well prove to be David.

Minister of Minorities - RonaldChris

RC has a great repore and relationship with the Minority parties in our country, and I see no reason to change something that isnt broken, in my opinion.

He can take on Apprentices if he feels it necessary.

Minister of Information - Open

Having Hassan retire, this position requires a certain level of time that most of us don't have. I know of one person who was trying to care for the Newspaper Association in his stead, but overall there has been a feeling of overwhelming proportions coming from this Ministry for some time. While I was the Minister of Trade, and had four apprentices the MoI had none. This is definitely something we need to work on, in the following ways:

-There has been a proposal made by Malta to split some of the duties of the MoI into a Ministry called Ministry of Culture. This Minister would be responsible for the Newspaper Association, and running National Competitions and so on. This would certainly lighten the load on the MoI, who most certainly spends his days looking for good newspaper articles to post.

-I am, myself, going to run the Government policy section and voting threads in Commons to maintain things while order can be restored to the position. Hassan always did a fantastic job at it, and I usually announce everything anyhow so making sure it's communicated in game as well as posting it from the Commons to Policies sections shouldnt be too much. I may ask that Rayf be allowed to assist in this fashion, seeing as neither of us have a vote in Commons anymore.

Upcoming things

Before this truly turns into a tl;dr type of paper, which it is no doubt either passed or bordering on, I'd like to highlight some of the upcoming events.

-We will, upon it's passage, be organizing and setting up the Small Business Association. I will be asking Deathtoll to run it (which he would report to the MoW of course), and his advisor will be Dnouser (who has experience in this kind of organization, although he has stated he prefers to stay in an advisory role only). It shall provide needed relief in times of market instability to companies who simply need a small injection to pay for salary.

-There are two Ministry proposals going right now. One is the Ministry of Technological Advancement, or MoTA to allow us to further our tech side of the Government and overall Community aspects such as forum improvements and so on. The other, as I stated earlier under the MoI, would be the Minister of Culture. I am hoping to see them both by the end of next week.

Until then, if you have any questions, please feel absolutely free to contact me or any of the hard working people in the UK Government.


PM of the UK