MILITARY UNITS STATS - Maxihellas Update

Day 1,517, 05:20 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki

I think that this is the most interesting update of Maxihellas Stats website the latest months.

From, today, you be able to see the stats of ALL the Military Units all over the eRepublik World.

You can access the MILITARY UNIT STATS from Main Menu of Maxihellas by selecting Main Menu ---> MU Stats

What you can see:

a. The stats of any Military Unit of the world as (image 1):

- active members (the dead is been removed automatically)
- damage and fighters of the selected Military Unit per day
- damage and fighters of the selected Military Unit per today

Image1: Selected MU stats

b. The Military Units with the biggest damage (image 2). You can select to see the best MU's all over the world, or in specific countries

Image2: Best Military Units

c. The Military Units with the biggest damage per day (image 3). You can select to see the best MU's all over the world, or in specific countries

Image3: Best Military Units per Day

d. Analysis of the damage each member done per day, from 1-11-2011 etc. (image 4).

Image4: Yesterday's Damage analysis of one specific MU

And all these are been made completely automated. The MILITARY UNITS and the UNIT MEMBERS are been automatically updated 1 time per week.

And this is only the will see many interesting updates in MU stats in the near future 🙂

Please promote this article in order to be viewed from as many users as possible.

***Anyone that he wants, he can translate and post this article in his country ***

Happy Stat-ing 🙂