Me? President? Sorry for the delay!

Day 671, 20:48 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Ok, I have been a little caught up in studies at school, but am ready to write an article more about my campaign. But first a little challenge for you guys totally non-related to this...

...Polaroids of the tale...

What song do those lyrics come from? You might get a goodie if you post it first. (artist, song name)

Ok. Now time for a critical issue.

How do we want this war to turn out?

First of all, in the spirit of our non-aggressive nation, we should take back all of our regions and liberate our allies land too. Then we demand they give us peace. Otherwise, we fend them off until they surrender or tell us we'll have to invade them to get to make them stop (in which case we CRUSH them and make PEACE BEG for mercy).

Of ocurse, HOW exactly would we go about taking back our region? To be very honest, I do not know how our nation's organized army works. I also do not know completely know the logistics of war operations. What I do know, is that we must keep the initiative by retreating regions when necessary and block nations from attacking us. PEACE has a tendency to start battles when we are all asleep so we cannot retreat, but I will do my best to prevent PEACE's antics.

I also know I have ideas about funding. I was actually thinking of war bonds to raise money and what do you know? They are issued out for the benefit of our people! Hurray for the president! This is a splendid idea and I have already bought some bonds. Of course, now the government will have a larger debt to deal with, and as we all know in the past, presidents sometimes do not deal with this well and cause post-war depressions due to really big tax increases. There are more frugal ways of dealing with debt though before-hand to prevent this though.

During World War II, there were rent control laws that caused a housing shortage. The government did this though because of the war. This was not very smart, for price controls restrain the real value of products like housing (I sound like such a laissez-faire economist when I say this). Avoiding simple mistakes like these, whether in eRepublik or the real America, will help our country to be financially secure after the war.

And here's one of my little bright ideas. Set up a little currency investing and start a national bank. Many citizens in eRepublik simply need money, whether to start up that one company or to get that new Q5 house they've been eyeing, so it would be an excellent idea to start a national bank. Currency investing would also be relatively easy as long as you kept track of when currencies became stronger or weaker. Potential for exporting and importing products by also keeping track of currencies is also a great oppurtunity. I will definitely study up more on my macroeconomics if I become president.

That's all I have for today folks. Just a few ideas that I threw around, but remember, if you hated this article because it was too vague for you or if you thought that my grammar was weird (usually doesn't happen, but I'm sorta out of it today) of anything, please please ASK ME QUESTIONS AND LEAVE ME COMMENTS! I will try to answer every person who talks to me, so please keep your thoughts rolling.

That's milestailsprower for you, simply trying to be a considerate, caring eUSA president.

Thanks for tuning in!

P.S. Remember that organization I made about polling? Look out for it's first request for issues soon!