Me? President? Need to know more?

Day 660, 19:31 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower



For those who do not know, I am trying to campaign for president. Above was some of my original articles.

Today I am addressing eAmericans about what my views are on two things. I am very glad that I received questions about my beliefs! I was very happy to answer them, and I hope that new readers will ask me questions too and tell about my campaign.

I simply am trying to be a caring eAmerican president. I am going to address 2 issues that I recieved from fellow citizens.

"...from skill lvl 0-2 you barely make enough to buy bread for yourself let alone anything else..."

"Canidate Milestailsprower, I'd like to know what your policy is going to be on supporting newer players such as myself.


I remember when I was a new citizen, I found it obnoxious to work and buy bread, living paycheck to paycheck. Increasingly frusturated with eRepublik and my inability to advance my career or my eLife, I would have quit had it not been for some kind veteran citizen who provided me generous quantities of food, therefore allowing for my experimentation in other aspects of eRepublik. I am now glad that I have joined and have been able to do so much in it. I have even invited 3 friends over to eRepublik who I have shown the same kindness I had received.

But how many citizens are willing to help newcomers they invite? What about citizens who join on their own? Of course there are organizations which kindly help out newcomers, and for their efforts, I appluad them immensely. Their help allows a greater attraction to eAmerica and their efforts are greatly appreciated. However, I believe that instead of a indifferent laissez-faire approach to the economy, the government should provide help to newcomers. I strongly believe we must raise the minimum wage! A company can easily afford to give out 1 USD, so distributing wealth by raising the minimum wage, despite how small the change, should not be a huge problem for the people. We must attract newcomers to eRepublik and provide incentives for them to stay there.

Why are our citizens' experience level Lvl. 13 rather than the global average of 14?

We must provide incentives for our citizens to stay in eRepublik! I also believe that the idea of a stimulus package to newcomers is a good idea! Sure it may be costly to an extent, but think of all the extra citizens we will gain. Research shows that gifts give people an urge to be more affiliated with the donor, for obvious reasons. Also, a department for welcoming messages would give a more homely feel to eAmerica and give citizens the feeling they are cared about.

"...You have some good ideas. The one about the referendum org looks very interesting. I would like to learn more about that if you're willing to divulge. I think you're on to something there.
PP Kylero
US Green Party "

I had an idea to start an organization where citizens literally take a poll on critical ongoing issues. For three days, people would send in suggestions on what to poll about, then for the last 4 days of the week, people would cast their vote on the issue. I have already dedicated 7 gold to a newspaper in an organization to do this. That way, the organization (and the polling system with it) is transferable to the next president. Imagine: No more senators can weasel their way out of saying that they have the "support" of the people, when clearly, the vote is out there!

If you do not believe me, go to the citizen search and look for "The American Polling System".

I have big ideas and am simply trying to be a caring president. I hope you share my dreams and will support me in my campaign!

To recap quickly, here's some ideas I mentioned.

Raise the minimum wage.
Support newcomers with a stimulus package and greeting from the government.
Start an all American poll!

Once again, tell people about my campaign and subscribe to my newspaper to learn more about my campaign. I want to help the people of eAmerica and that is why my mission is to be president. And always, please, ASK ME QUESTIONS. I want to answer questions, whether to clarify something, if you want to know more about my ideas, or if you are challenging one of my ideas and what to make it known.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to this campaign.
