Mayhem and the CAF Debate

Day 1,063, 02:23 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

I quote from an 'advertisment': "CAF soldiers get 1000 CAD of funding each per month for doing the same thing you do everyday... Why are they so special? These are YOUR tax dollars."

Now I can't be sure that this advertisment is from the originators of the 'Mayhem' conspiracy/theory of Government but it bears all the hallmarks... I shall assume that it does not come from Rolo & Co and try to discuss the topic impartialy.

Different Military Systems.

A. Nationalised Military.

I have lived, for shorter or longer periods (and for different reasons), in 7 ecountries over my elife. Of these the main ones were eUK, eRussia, eMalaysia and of course eCanada. All these enations had national armies that were sudsidised by their Government... (I might add so did eAustria, eItaly and eMexico). Why?

Well quite possibly because they believe that national defence is a duty of the Government. Simply put this arguement is that when you vote for a President you take into account his vision of national military strategy and he enacts this by subsidising citizens to defend the country. This way an army builds up (in our case CAF) and officers and Cabinet Ministers (Minister of Defence) follows. The State may also create State Industries to supply these troops which in turn leads to jobs for army personnel etc...

One of the biggest advantages of this system is helping new players. They arrive and understand little but once they join the national military they are helped and taught by the army itself. In this way they build relationships and are encouraged to learn and stay.

The second advantage of this system is that it alows Government control - and thus elective responsibility - of all the forces at the nations command. If the Government messes up you know who to blame.

On the disadvantage side this can go too far... In some enations whose forums I have visited you must enlist in their army before getting propper access (I was only an Ambassador!). The other matter is that because the supply companies for a national military are run by the Government they are likely to be based in the home nation. When you are attacked and lose regions this can cripple your supply lines.

B. The eRomanian System.

I cal it 'the eRomanian system' simply because as far as I know they developed it in the days of their First Empire. In this system ALL the army is divided in 'Corps' who own their own supply companies, every soldier must work for his/her Corps companies and the Corps Commanders effectively comprise the 'High Command' one of which normaly becomes Minister of Defence. The Corps also effectively (used to at least) subsidises food for their soldiers as they necessarily work for low wages to produce weapons for Corps.

One pro of this system could be compared to the US report of the British Regimental system in the Falklands where it was reported "The Regimental system and engendered competition inherent in the system became such that each Regiment excelled in trying to outdo their rivals...the levels of performance normaly expected (of US troops) were exceeded by this competitive spirit". Of course this can only be expected if you have more than one Corps.

The other advantage of course is that the Corps enables a certain amount of 'private enterprise' in that Corps members can contribute to their company system and profits can used on exchanges and in buying companies abroad which in turn helps the Corps -operative fund weapons and subsidise its soldiers.

Of course idealy this system is self suffiecient in the end but sadly (to my knowledge) the eRomanian Government was always funding the Corps and all Corps shared one military IRC channel as well as having their own. So on the financial aspect it is correct to say Government can save money with such self attempts at Corps-operatives.

The eCanada System.

Well we have both in a way; we have CAF and Crimsons. Well Crimsons can be considered as 'Corps' in the eRomanian system as they get Government funding yet run their own companies. Then CAF have their own companies and and also obviously receive Government funding as pointed out by the advertisment. What is the difference between the two?

Firstly with CAF you get elective responsibility, as mentioned above, also in this system the armed forces fight along agreed Government strategy.

Secondly Crimsons while enjoying Government funding, decide their own targets, though naturaly they are in close contact with the Government about targets. How much they are funded I know not.

There is a case here for a Unified Command. Since the Crimson Order receive essentialy the same Government subsidies as CAF why should not they be brought under central command structure? Sure let them argue their strategic view but that is what a Unified Command should do...


Essentialy the 'eRomanian system' can save money short term for the eGovernment but conversely the 'cooperative' nature of the system depresses the market on free market terms.The same can be said of any nationalised military system though that includes Government weapons companies. In the end both systems have pros and cons (and even within a national military you can have competiveness). In the end they both systems end up more or less the same - financed by the tax payers - of whom the majority are Corps, Militias AND National Armies who are also are the beneficiaries. The difference between our system and the 'eRomanian system' is the lack of a Unified Command - and of course competiton to the Crimsons.

SCAM? and Mayhem Theory.

Well I hope I have given a fair account of both military set ups that I know of. I am not sure what the 'Mayhem' version may entail but I should imagine a citizens army or some such which is yet to be explained. Certainly all those who can fight need a Unified Command and common Government agreed objective - civilian or CAF or Crimson - if you can fight you should be subsidised to do so. To not do this would set us at a serious disadvantage to every other enation currently existing. You have high iron, titanium regions and conquer them for purpose of a) producing more/cheaper weapons and b) depriving them to your enemy. Now it is possible that 'Mayhem theory' may lead an eRomanian style system but it is not clear that is is much different from what we have...

Is it a scam? My conclusion is no. It is the duty of the elected Government to protect our enation - they are elected for this and bear that duty. There are subsiduary arguements about Militias and so forth but they end up the same as the standing army - whose direction you can vote about. 'Mayhem theory', and this advertisment make little sense. Why did he not join CAF, or indeed the Crimsons? Perhaps too bothered about politics which is the real point of this advertisement...

Sara's Objectionables

Fine I make an advert and criticise something... got a remedy? If no then shurrup!!!! I find you useless!

Anyone who challenges the concept of elective and central Government control - which where this leads - weakens the national effort! This is objectionable to me and all who wish for a viable democracy!

If you got a point explain it. You don't though. Shhh!