Map Updates, Priorities, and a Q7 stockpile program

Day 4,550, 08:58 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Good morning! To begin this article, let us go through what has happened recently in our country. In the last couple of days, we have seen our friends Serbia move into Canada in an attempt to expel our evil oppressors from the alliance of CODE. We welcome the presence of Serbia and Lithuania in Canada!

Your morning map update for Day 4,550 is as follows:

The following countries hold these respective regions:
Serbia holds B.C., Yukon, and Alberta
Chile holds NWT
Lithuania holds Manitoba
Canada holds Nunavut, Ontario and New Brunswick
Turkey holds Saskatchewan and Quebec
Greece holds P.E.I.
Hungary holds Nova Scotia
Slovenia holds Newfoundland.

These are the battles ongoing currently on our regions:
Iran is taking Saskatchewan from Turkey
Lithuania is taking Ontario from us
Greece has attacked Hungary in Nova Scotia. This is just a TW, and will most likely result in Nova Scotia staying under Hungarian occupation.

Our Battle Priorities for today are to help Iran take Saskatchewan, and to ensure Lithuania wins Ontario.

For up to date information, make sure to check the National Feed!

Q7 Stockpile Building

Finally, after the recent shortage of Q7 weapons, and the ensuing increase in prices, Canada is looking for players who are willing to sacrifice most of their daily wage in order to assist in building of a Q7 weapons stockpile for eCanadian citizens in the future, to ensure that Canadians are still able to fight effectively, even when the price of weapons increases drastically as we just saw. Therefore, if you are willing or interested to help the production of these weapons, please read the excerpt below.

"If you want to lend your daily work/overtime works to helping build an eCanadian Q7 stockpile for future times when prices rise too high for most to economically consider fighting, I would implore you to please follow the link of the country you are currently located in, and join the job offer that is offered by Mann551. After 3 days, your salary will be dropped to 500 from 800. This will allow you to continue to receive some funds to buy food and weapons, but will help the country as well to produce the stockpile.

Make sure to quit your job first, then look at what country you are located in, and follow the link below to the job market of that country. Once you find Mann551's name, just hit that apply button, and all will be good. If you aren't currently located in one of the following countries, then move to any of them, and you'll be able to find the job and apply for it.

Links to the job offer:

Onward and Forward for eCanada!

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