Map Changes

Day 4,786, 23:47 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense
Below you will find a complete map. The map changes are as follows; Ukraine and Serbia are swapping regions. This is occurring because Serbia was kicked after attacking the wrong region. Serbia is expected to be in position immediately, but it will take Ukraine about 36 hours to reach the new regions. In addition, Serbia acquired Vermont and Poland acquired New York. This will give our ally Serbia a training war and provide an easy launching point into Canada as they continue to make adjustments.

Rotationals. For rotations the USA loses all direct battles but wins all resistance wars. Unless otherwise stated.

Bulgaria. Nevada, Utah, Arizona.
Iran. North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota.( Also holds Ohio for strategic reasons)
Macedonia. Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi.
Poland. Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (Also holds New York for strategic reasons)
Romania. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
Serbia. Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois.(Also holds Indiana and Vermont for strategic reasons)
Ukraine. Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico. (Getting into position.)

Ping Pong. For ping pongs each side will defend their own region.

USA wins Washington.
USA loses Oregon.

USA wins Washington.
USA loses Idaho.

USA wins Alaska.
USA loses Hokkaido

USA wins Wyoming.
USA loses Montana.

USA wins Florida/Tennessee.
USA loses Alabama.

USA wins Massachusetts.
USA loses Connecticut

USA wins Abkhazia.
USA loses North Caucasus.

USA wins Alaska.
USA loses Far Eastern Russia.

South Korea.
USA wins District of Columbia.
USA loses Maryland.

USA win Virginia.
USA loses Asturias.

Taiwan (Real China).
USA wins Massachusetts
USA loses Rhode Island.

United Arab Emirates.
USA wins Abkhazia.
USA loses West Georgia.

South Africa.
USA wins Maine.
USA loses New Hampshire.

USA Department of Defense